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VGOD Elite 200 with a Rebirth loaded with some dual handmade aliens and some Null white chocolate crunchie power build


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Jordan , these are awesome - ask around, it can be fixed - and they are not that hard on the pocket , as you have noticed - if I dig something . I'll buy two , you have been vaping a while , you are not a noob , just ask and some one will come to the rescue .
Haha no doubt, I left it with the guy at the vape and he said he tried, so silly little me I had a DNA 250 board laying around spare so I thought I could test my fine electronic skills, basically ended up stripping everything out trying to make space for it, long story short, nothing fit like it was supposed to, tried a host of boards but didn't actually manage to get it right. So now its just a pretty paper weight..
Picked up this Pico on special a while back... I could have bought 8 of them for the price of the RTA on top minus the tip! :eek:
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My first attempt at the Glaze Mini and Taviro. I'm not a Tobacco fan but this one is the deal and the Glaze mini is a true MTL which delivers loads of flavour. Hellvape MTL Clapton coil at 1.88 Ohm vaping at 9 watts.
Onegin DNA75C with OG Davrw DL on top and Red Pill inside!
Beautiful piece there uncle @Rob Fisher so petite and absolutely stunner of a mod :number_one: :babeando:
I got this tank last week. This is my first MTL setup. I am shocked by how long the juice last. My main tanks gets filled 3 times a day. This tank is still going strong after 10 days.
