What's in your hand right now?

Why do you have so many beautiful mods that are perfectly matched?
When I make my opinion that an RTA is a keeper, I start looking for the matching mod. Vaping is no longer a means to quit smoking for me, I quit a while ago. It’s a hobby so I’m more than Willi to put time, money (it doesn’t have to be too much) and patience in it. So now I don’t have RTAs and mods but a few matching setups that I enjoy using equally.
When I make my opinion that an RTA is a keeper, I start looking for the matching mod. Vaping is no longer a means to quit smoking for me, I quit a while ago. It’s a hobby so I’m more than Willi to put time, money (it doesn’t have to be too much) and patience in it. So now I don’t have RTAs and mods but a few matching setups that I enjoy using equally.
I'm the same.. been vaping almost 8 years now.. I also have a love for finding the right coupling.. however my impending marriage has put a stopper in my enthusiastic spending... sigh
YEP, that will do it. Unless you take her to a shoe shop ............
Lmao, that strategy has certainly worked in the past, I'm sure once the finances are paid for things can resume. I dont plan on having kids until I stop feeling like one myself. :THETROLL::TROLLLOL:
T5 and freshly filled Dvarw DL is going with to Din-Dins tonight! Top-up bottle of Red Pill standing by!
T5 Out.JPG