What's in your hand right now?

Once again.many thanks to @Dubz.
Another smooth classifieds deal.love the billow v2 so far
You are welcome bud ;).
No, more for throat hit. The lower the resistance, the more vapour is produced. This in turn, produce a solid hit, and deliver a lot of nicotine.
The chemicals in Flavours used in e-juice has a flash point of around 250 - 300 degrees. If you coil gets hotter than this, it can destroy the flavour. But sometimes that it okey. Take Oupa's VM4. It's like being round-house kicked in the face by caramel goodness. So losing some flavour with that, still tastes like a lot of caramel & vanilla goodness. But take something with weak flavour, and you will taste nothing. Basically just get a nice throat hit, with little to no taste.
Melinda & Derik might still have some RSST's I hope. Grab one, and give it a try.

Ok so then I will stay on my nice little 1.6 ohm dual coal setup ??
Sigelei 150W, Billow V2 and some Purple Alien juice :D

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Please rotate :wasntme:

Pic rotated, edited and resized by the secret Porcupine!
...and an undercover Transformer :giggle:
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MMM Biscuit Dreams in the Big Dripper @ 0.7 24.5w really nice! Guys, if you have a "salt tooth" or not too fond of sweet vapes, give this a go! Really unique flavour

@Yiannaki will be happy with me tonight ;-)

New Kayfun Monster V2.

Identical setup to my trusty Lemo1 (1.1 ohm coil, rayon wick, 'Strawberry Ice' juice)


Verdict after first few toots:

Beautiful. Nice and crisp! Am liking it a lot so far.

@Rob Fisher and @Gizmo you were right. I think I am gonna like this one. Thanks ;-)
@Yiannaki will be happy with me tonight ;-)

New Kayfun Monster V2.

Identical setup to my trusty Lemo1 (1.1 ohm coil, rayon wick, 'Strawberry Ice' juice)

View attachment 32650

Verdict after first few toots:

Beautiful. Nice and crisp! Am liking it a lot so far.

@Rob Fisher and @Gizmo you were right. I think I am gonna like this one. Thanks ;-)
Argh you people and your Monster Kayfuns are giving me such a fomorash :envy:

I'm glad though that you and @Rob Fisher are finally having a good Kayfun experience :)
Thanks @BumbleBee and @Rob Fisher (nice looking dish by the way, lol)

This tank is very nice.

As Rob said in his video, very easy to build - and quite unusual for me, my first setup is working like a dream. Even long drags have no dryness to them. Not even a sign of a dry hit so far. I think this one wicks like a champ. It has quite large juice channels so maybe thats why.

@BumbleBee , the only reason why I never had a good experience with Kayfuns is because my first one was a moody clone that leaked like a mofo. Such a pity. Put me off them since way back near the beginning of my vaping. I feel bad for that because I didnt even know about the clone vs original difference. Once again shows how a bad clone can put people off a device entirely. But it also is a signal to the vendors to check the clones they bring in and make sure they are at least good ones that work pretty well.
I'm in need of a second tank since my wife can't keep her hands off mine (ooerr) - these monster v2 & goblin pics have me torn between the two.
I'm in need of a second tank since my wife can't keep her hands off mine (ooerr) - these monster v2 & goblin pics have me torn between the two.

If you want a single coil device then Kayfun Monster 2 no question... if you want a dual coil device then get the Billow 2.