What's in your hand right now?

I found the perfect holiday match @Silver

A screw driver with White Label Key Lime Pie

The sweet and sour of the juice goes perfect with drink

3mg King Royale Peasant Sauce in my Koopor Plus ... Loving this!!!

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Lovely photo @Yusuf Cape Vaper !

Where's the sexy Rolo?
She's here but my ipv4 has been my daily workhorse for the past 8months. I have used it almost every single day for 8months and haven't had a single hiccup. Replaced my vtc4 batteries with vtc5's now and it's even better. This is the longest I've had a device besides my evod/mvp days which I used exclusively for almost 2years

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She's here but my ipv4 has been my daily workhorse for the past 8months. I have used it almost every single day for 8months and haven't had a single hiccup. Replaced my vtc4 batteries with vtc5's now and it's even better. This is the longest I've had a device besides my evod/mvp days which I used exclusively for almost 2years

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Gotta love those long serving trusty devices!
Snap @Yusuf Cape Vaper


But I can't say yet it's my night time device. Still lots of testing that needs to be done.
That switch looks good. Matching with @Marzuq

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I chatted to @Marzuq before placing the order
Asked him about it and the Crius - just to double check ;-)
So far I am pleased - Crius is behaving very well on the first build - but i want to make new coils and try several juices
Lovely @Rob Fisher
The tip also looks good on it
What tank is that? And what coil resistance?
Bellus with dual micro coils at 0,57Ω

Is it my imagination or does a mechanical really have a smoooooth vape!

Rob you are not imagining at all
Some of the regulated devices have a pulsing that is sometimes observable, moreso by the experienced vaper. And some are worse than others. This is one of the reasons i love my ol MVP2 - it puts out a DC type signal and at that low power there is no pulsing at all. Exact same Evod on the iStick20 and it pulses like a disco!

Not sure about the later devices and the frequency at which they pulse but no question that the mechs are smoother and more direct - at least for me, that is.
I agree @Rob Fisher, the mech mods are IMO allot smoother. I thought you could only run drippers on mechs though?

Nope... tanks (not Hybrids) are very happy on a mech... and I have to say comparing my fancy Rolo DNA200 to the humble Mech... they are both very similar! I predict a swing back to mechanicals in the near future. This vape on the Bellus on the Mech is nothing short of PERFECT!
VM Berry Blaze and menthol drops. Refreshing reward after several laps in the club pool.


HRH in the background - can hardly see ...
I just converted my favourite tank into a dripper, first time this has happened and it wasn't even a hard bump :(


Lost about half a tank of very rare Glas juice...and I have no spare glass :doh: