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Hello from the ocean :)

A little cloud Company Billow & Phillip Rocks rainbow rocks


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Origenny is a flavour machine. really not for big clouds. but for flavour its right up there.
Gemini RTA winning me over bit by bit, day after day.

Just might be one I need a backup of. No spare glass so... i need another for in case.

Inwas going to sell it but now I cant live without it. Hot build loose wicks and it hits like a dripper. Just with better flavor.

Win. Lovely tank. Not going to replace the Griffin as my favorite but phenomenal none the less.

That is awesome! Did you do the print? I didn't even think to look for a template for a device!

I assembled the mod from a kit. A 3D printing company in France features printed sets for 3 different models as well as a link to the company that sells the inner workings (battery tray, connections, 510, etc.). Assembly takes about 20 minutes to an hour depending on your comfort level with such things.

This mod is a mech. There is another which is regulated, but that requires more skill and time to assemble as you need to wire switches and the PC board.

Power is out at home so i am just chilling with my UD Balrog and indestructible. Vaping Blends of Distinction's Blueberry Pavlova.

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Relaxing afternoon at Dros. Cuboid+Crown with Lemon biscuit and my old Faithfull subtank mini with Craft Earnestly hemingway. tmp_27528-20160423_1430371128338292.jpg
Haven't updated in a while as I haven't bought a mod/tank in a few months. THAT CHANGED TODAY!

Got the new top airflow attachment for the Geekvape Griffin (I think the stainless/black combination looks epic) sitting on the timeless RX200. Also, the subectively brilliant OBS Ace with a ceramic coil, on my Hcigar VT200.

Special Reserve in both. Life is great right now.Picture 10.jpg
This has to be one of the most satisfying vapes on my vaping journey!

Snow Wolf Mini, Vaporesso Gemini with 0.9Ω cCell Coil, a hands Drip tip and filled up with Vapour Mountain XXX.

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