What's in your hand right now?

@Lord Vetinari would you say it's more of a flavour or cloud blowing rda?
Depends on the build and where you have the air flow positioned... Insanely well balanced RDA. But you will get clouds. Massive clouds.

BUT neither are its strongest point. That will be the fact I cannot imagine a build I cannot do in this thing. Quad claptons no problemo. Creativity with builds is simply unlimited. HUGE and comfortable deck, incredible build quality all around.

If you like to twist wire this is the atty. Not called Twisted Messes for no reason ;)
Gold Edition Snow Wolf 90 Watt with Target tank filled with Milky Way from Foggs and topped with a gold ringed drip tip from @hands! :rock:

HandCheck 003.JPG
0.5 Dual on the Goblin Mini, running on the Cuboid with some bastardised Coffee/Scream/Wookie/DDD/Milked inside, hence the poison warning!


Koopor mini 60W
Haze dripper tank
Snatch's Flash Fried & DDD mixup mashup (found these 2 juices work well together by fluke, I was dripping some DDD last night and decided switched to FF and loved the taste when mixed )

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its been a squonky kinda day.

Dripmod + Baal V3 Deck + Filed Hobo V3 Squonk pin + Alliance V2 Barrel + MC Modz Chuff cap.

Also filed some of the sharper edges around the squonky bit. Not a master craftsman by any measure, but it does feel a lot nicer in the hand.
As an (ex) pro electronic musician seeing this is torture. What I can do with that much power on tap wowowow. That one machine makes most pro studios with allll their vintage equipment redundant. Killer. Absolutely KILLER.
Well it was my work machine.
Now I have a more powerful one.
That beastie has helped many companies. One of its most notable achievements is it assisted in bringing a stats query down from a 22 hour run time to 11 minutes.