What's in your hand right now?

I thought it was just me ;)

Lol. That savanna is not bad at all.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Serpent Mini RTA, build: UD 26ga Kanthal A1, 3mm id, 8 wraps, coming in at 1.12 ohms on my Eleaf TC60W running at 16Watts, Vaping some Faerie Juice.

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Don't know if they're eyeing out the@hands tip, or the VM XXX inside!


And because I had to!

Woolies Guava Yoghurt

No match whatsoever compared to @Paulie's Guava

Avril... she never ever leaves my side... new stuff comes and goes but Avril continues to perform... if I could only have one device it would be Avril. She is special and has been with me for a long time (Vaping Journey wise) and was given to me by Robert O' Neil!
Avril 001.JPG