What's in your hand right now?

Since I got this little guy, I haven't used anything else. It satisfies me in every possible vape related way...
Best money I spent all year #tooHappy
Nom Nom Nom!!

What's the difference between the CC and SRCC bro? And is Paul keeping both of them available in his offerings?

I was convinced it was a different formula @Spydro but @Paulie assures me it's identical... the difference is it has been steeped in Oak Barrels for a couple of months... the transformation for me is huge... smooth as silk...
I was convinced it was a different formula @Spydro but @Paulie assures me it's identical... the difference is it has been steeped in Oak Barrels for a couple of months... the transformation for me is huge... smooth as silk...

Thanks for the info. Just one of the many things that appealed to me with the 3 @Paulie liquids that you sent me was how smooth all of them were. So even smoother doesn't seem possible.

BTW, 2 of the 3 I tried are on my hits list for premade in my rotations down the road (and the 3rd surprise one you sent was also a sure winner despite being something that I normally don't vape). That says volumes to me about all of his liquids.
Ya using it in dual battery mod so slick so easy to hold u can fire it easily in many different ways it's the most comfortable fit mod I've tried. And not heavy at all and easy carry. View attachment 65804
Awesome... thanks.... definitely thinking about getting one and compared to your minikin?
Hitting some NCV frozen @ 150W on my GOONOCADO / MINIKIN 1.5


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I wonder if the Council of Vapor guys are Stargate Atlantis fans? May I present the Wraith Squonker!
Wraith 001.JPG
@Rob Fisher Please let us know if that atty is any good?

Will do @Blu_Marlin! So far the pros are it looks great, squonks really well and drains well and I have been trying to oversquonk and it hasn't leaked once.

The only con so far is you have to use that big fat wide bore drip tip and you can't use your own drip tip... airflow control is pretty good as well...