What's in your hand right now?


That has got to literally take your breath away o_O

I'm vaping some SB Frostbyte myself right now (loving it) in the Kayfun and it is very cool (literally)...can only imagine what it's like with all that airflow :)
OK Take Two... emptied the bottle and put in Some Seattle Vapor Kryptonite... Wow this juice really likes being in the REO and is really nice!

Kryptonite 002.JPG
Reo with the plumeveil and the plumeveil 1.5 top cap and chuff enuff drip top loaded with diy peaches and cream with a single parellel 22g and 26g @ 0.25ohms
@BumbleBee, thanks man, took me forever to get it together, thanks to @6ghost9's group buy i finally got my 18350 yesterday.
Battery life isnt great at 0.8 so will be getting another.
Have yet to see public reaction to it
Coffee and a Vape...awesomeness!!!
LV4 in an Igo-L on a Launcher


Sent from my S4 LTE using my finger