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so I was seriously considering all these mini vw devices but then managed to muscle the beast off my bro lol sporting my new lemo drop with an Atlantis tip. This is my dragon and ninja combo, one to kick your ass, one to stealth away.
So I forgot my cotton at home today. Luckily trusty evod to the rescue.
View attachment 13599

That is the Flash e Vapor V3 on a Vanilla.
I thought I can give some impressions after testing it now for a while:

This is a perfect device for RBA novices and for TH seekers. Where did it get the name? The throat hit is called in Germany a "flash", and because of the exceptional TH it was named Flash e Vapor, short FeV.

It is perfect for beginners as you can get to the coil at any time without draining the tank, and its easy to wick. The tank section is completely separate and can be taken off the coil section, then to refill one has to just separate the tank with the help of the knurled parts.
The tank feeds the juice to the coil thru 2 wicking holes that are either stuffed with the supplied cotton strands or, as I did it because of darkest subohming and the need of more juiceflow, with 2 short ESS rolls. These stick out slightly to make contact to the actual cotton wool wick that is pulled thru the coil. see below.

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The airflow is regulated by different screws, the 1.6mm is optional and that is what I am currently using. One can remove it completely for an airy draw, I will probably go for that soon.

All in all....its a better device then the Kayfun for its ease of use. Make no mistake, I love my Kayfuns as I had hardly any troubles with it....but the FeV is more easy to handle and as a bonus it produces exceptional TH for the peeps that are chasing it (i am more into clouds tho)


all that was said is still valid. But after 6 weeks of exclusively using the FeV, I started yesterday with the Kayfun again. Firstly I filled it too fast, thru the fill hole, so that the chamber flooded. Result....leaking and gurgles. liquid on my desk, hands and my new IPV Mini. Vape quality compared to the FeV....halved.

Considering now to sell my Kayfuns and get another FeV. I never thought that I would become a fan of the FeV, always thought it was just hyped here because its Made in Germany, and its not the prettiest RBA out there .....but it deserves the hype 100%! The design is not made to win the prize for prettiness, its designed for the best functionality.

Its an expensive RBA, 115 Euros, but to me its worth every cent. The ease of operation combined with exceptional dripper style vape quality (without the airscrew fitted) is a winner. Period.

I am not sure if a clone FeV would do the trick as well, there are controversial opinions here. Some say that the Tobeco clone is really good. However, I am rather buying originals, then I know what I get.

all that was said is still valid. But after 6 weeks of exclusively using the FeV, I started yesterday with the Kayfun again. Firstly I filled it too fast, thru the fill hole, so that the chamber flooded. Result....leaking and gurgles. liquid on my desk, hands and my new IPV Mini. Vape quality compared to the FeV....halved.

Considering now to sell my Kayfuns and get another FeV. I never thought that I would become a fan of the FeV, always thought it was just hyped here because its Made in Germany, and its not the prettiest RBA out there .....but it deserves the hype 100%! The design is not made to win the prize for prettiness, its designed for the best functionality.

Its an expensive RBA, 115 Euros, but to me its worth every cent. The ease of operation combined with exceptional dripper style vape quality (without the airscrew fitted) is a winner. Period.

I am not sure if a clone FeV would do the trick as well, there are controversial opinions here. Some say that the Tobeco clone is really good. However, I am rather buying originals, then I know what I get.

Glad for you @Tom
So amazing when one finds a device one is really happy with!
Please post more pics
Glad for you @Tom
So amazing when one finds a device one is really happy with!
Please post more pics
yip, I really enjoy this device. That's why i had to share my experience. Will post more, later on.

iStick 30W + Lemo + no name brand copper drip tip

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Cool, hope you get it sorted. Otherwise shout if you need help.

In the meantime its Friday evening and I just put mini-me to bed, so its just this in my hand:

Reo and Hansa.jpg
You vaping it yet? Boer maak 'n plan?