What's in your hand right now?

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This new double dyed stabilized 'Lil' Pinch mod will hopefully get it's first use from me in 3 weeks or if bad medical results happens a very desirable sale item.

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@Paulie's Guava with a bit of menthol in the Nuppin.

I forgot how good the Nuppin is. Haven't vaped on it for a while and have only vaped this juice in my tank setups so far.

Well the flavour is out of this world. Beats my tanks by a considerable margin. Well worth the rewicking and setting up.

I have small ID 28g duals with Rayon. Crisp and pure.

The guava is magical. The menthol finishes it beautifully. It's like guava ice cubes in high definition!!

Long live REO Red and the Nuppin. Huge respect.

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Noisy cricket with indestructible atty

0.6 build 24g dual coil 3mm ID.

This thing kicks like a mother f@#$!


All hail the mighty mech mod

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Wow, the IPV 5 is stunning. Pity the Moonshot cannot take a normal drip tip?
You can apparently pop a different drip tip right into the top of the stock one.

Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
You can apparently pop a different drip tip right into the top of the stock one.

Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
Thank you so much for that @Kamiel. Have decided to go for the Avocado for the time being as (1) it is cheaper, (2) it has no air slots at the bottom to leak/condense from, (3) seems I might be able to use ceramic wicking in there, (4) is probably a better choice for MTL and (5) @Nightwalker raves about it and @Rob Fisher has not totally shot it down.
Thank you so much for that @Kamiel. Have decided to go for the Avocado for the time being as (1) it is cheaper, (2) it has no air slots at the bottom to leak/condense from, (3) seems I might be able to use ceramic wicking in there, (4) is probably a better choice for MTL and (5) @Nightwalker raves about it and @Rob Fisher has not totally shot it down.

@Andre I will try rebuild the Avo today but having fun blowing massive clouds with a single alien clapton... the flavour is useless... but the tank looks so good especially with a @hands wide bore drip tip...

Just tried it again and will clean and prepare a normal kanthal single coil because currently is a kak vape.
27g Kanthal 7 wrap = 1,37Ω Diameter is around the 2,5mm at a guess.

30 watts too high and burnt taste... down to 25 watts... bit better... 23 watts... OK... still not very good flavour... OK I give up on the Avo for now and will take it to the Sir Vape vape meet on Sat and get John or Craig to rebuild for me... it's not even remotely close to the Target Tank... Maybe I should add a second coil?

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Such a pity because it is such a good looking tank!
27g Kanthal 7 wrap = 1,37Ω Diameter is around the 2,5mm at a guess.

30 watts too high and burnt taste... down to 25 watts... bit better... 23 watts... OK... still not very good flavour... OK I give up on the Avo for now and will take it to the Sir Vape vape meet on Sat and get John or Craig to rebuild for me... it's not even remotely close to the Target Tank... Maybe I should add a second coil?

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Such a pity because it is such a good looking tank!
Or, get a Moonshot. Really worth a try Rob.
Or, get a Moonshot. Really worth a try Rob.

Will try someone else's at the vape meet on Sat... but I honestly think my days of rebuildable tanks and drippers are over... being a flavour junky nothing compares... and they do pretty well with Vapour as well!
TargetVaper1.jpg TargetVaper2.jpg
Will try someone else's at the vape meet on Sat... but I honestly think my days of rebuildable tanks and drippers are over... being a flavour junky nothing compares... and they do pretty well with Vapour as well!
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I am finding myself enjoying the novelty of builds... then lamenting the incredible juice usage.

And I am glad to see somebody else prefer a good tank. I REALLY like the consistency of them. Every hit what I want and expect.

Makes for high satisfaction which translates to much fewer toots and bottles that dont just empty out. Along with my wallet getting too flat.

SUPER happy with the Arctic. Every juice tastes like described. Mods... sure I am always looking but I think I am happy with my atties right now ☺