What's in your hand right now?


Day 3 and still loving the RAM Squonker.

The RDA is the Velocity V2 with a built in BF pin. 22 Ga Kanthal, 3ID, 6 1/2 wraps, O.19 Ohms. Brilliant vape with a Sony VTC 5 battery!

The Panama juice is still amazing, not sick of it yet. Look how much I have used in 3 days!

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A piece of bread
Having said that. First time ive baked bread from scratch for burgers for me and my kids. And it was damn delicious
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Good going@Smokey Joe. Hope it won't be the last. Home baked bread is the best

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Definitely wont be. Baking bread that doesnt taste like a 2 year old scone makes one feel like you can work for NASA
PS. I take orders as well

0.16 GoblinV3
On a Adjustable Heatsink
On my MechTube.
Knock a 25R samsung.

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My only piece of stabwood lol! I think its a good looking piece.

Would love a full stabwood mod some time!

My good night, bed side vape. Still pumping the little RAM Squonker. With the right build, this "Matchbox" Mod kicks, man! I wonder, does gold plated connections improve conductivity that much?

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Changed the tip on the Reload and got some new juice. This stuff is delicious. Thanks to @Vapers Corner for taking to time to help me find a new juice and wick my friend's Reload.

The gang got together:
Picked up a new mod for the misses today and very happy


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Since my Squonker adventure began at the beginning of this month, all Squonkers look so appealing. This one is no exception Rob. Nice one!

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