Where do you buy your concentrates from and why?

Based on the advice and remarks made here, I made my first purchases from Vape Hyper and BLCK today. Did work out cheaper than my ordinary supplier and managed to get some concentrates I thought difficult to find.

My only concern though, a saw the name "dawn wing" somewhere. Does not bring back happy memories.

Regards and thanks for an informative thread.
Based on the advice and remarks made here, I made my first purchases from Vape Hyper and BLCK today. Did work out cheaper than my ordinary supplier and managed to get some concentrates I thought difficult to find.

My only concern though, a saw the name "dawn wing" somewhere. Does not bring back happy memories.

Regards and thanks for an informative thread.
Hahah, yeah Blck uses Dawnwing as far as I know - but luckily I've never had issues with them down here.
I've never had Dawnwing deliver my vapemail from either Blck or Vape Hyper. It's always been TCG. Maybe it's a thing for customers in the Cape?
I've never had Dawnwing deliver my vapemail from either Blck or Vape Hyper. It's always been TCG. Maybe it's a thing for customers in the Cape?
Very possible.. but then again TCG delivers all my JuicyJoes and SirVape stuff, so they're definitely active here too.

EDIT: It may also have to do with the time of day you order? Maybe the couriers have different pickup times from BLCK and they ship out on the next one that picks up? Not sure, but possible.

EDIT2: Ok, i checked my BLCK order history and I did get a delivery from them via TCG once. The rest of the time it was Dawnwing though.

Maybe send them an email with your order number and ask nicely if they'll ship via TCG for you?
That is odd. I know Vape Club use Dawnwing but almost every other vendor I've bought from in Gauteng uses TCG, and TFM in KZN does too. It's staggeringly rare that I get a visit from Dawnwing.
Locally I use Blck vapour and The Flavour Mill because of how in tune and engaged they are with our DIY community. We were all crying for sugar cookie v1 and they made it happen. The added bonus is BLCK can sell in original 4oz bottles.
That reminds me... I have a box of concentrates from Vapour Valley... maybe I should attempt DIY for a third time! :p
I buy mine from Vape Hyper...
R38 for 10ml and R170 for 50ml all makes...
Same day delivery...
Free delivery...

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I go through Mt.Baker,they carry all the top brands with reasonable prices and shipping is cheap.
I go through Mt.Baker,they carry all the top brands with reasonable prices and shipping is cheap.
How does shipping and clearing work on international orders? Do you pay import duties?

If you don't mind me asking.. how "cheap" is the shipping?

I am assuming now that you are talking about the international Mt Baker Vapour site

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How does shipping and clearing work on international orders? Do you pay import duties?

If you don't mind me asking.. how "cheap" is the shipping?

I am assuming now that you are talking about the international Mt Baker Vapour site

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Hi @Tanja
@kev mac is based in the USA ;-)

Edit - if you are browsing the forum with Tapatalk, you wont easily see the info below the member's avatar with their location
Blckvapour, because excellent service and variety - I live in Cape Town, overnight delivery happens everytime and I'm normally amazed at how fast they do the orders and let me know shipping info etc. They give you a call/sms when they might have any problems, they had excellent marketing at Cape VapeFest and they didn't even sell anything at the show. I spent a good amount of time at their stand smelling and tasting all the concentrates and they even gave away a freebie goodie bag to DIY with and help out new mixers to get into mixing ..

Blckvapour, you have a life long client and you deserve it :)
Oh no. This thread can not end well for me.
Week two of vaping and I'm already filling up my shopping cart on billowtheohm.
Not sure what these things cost elsewhere but these prices seem doable for a hobby DIYer...
I had an interesting and, well mostly annoying conversation with some random at my kid's netball match over the weekend. While, I was mostly happy withthe juice that I've been vaping on, I am the first to admit that you could probably give me some PG/VG mix where you added some Oros concentrate in and I'd not know the difference of that vs a premium high end juice - whatever that may be.
Anyway, the dude slaunters over to me when he spotted my smoke signals calling all vapers to the back of the bleachers. We start chatting about this and that. I can tell, immediately that he's been vaping since birth. Mid chat, my tank ran empty (thank you very much 3ml Baby Beast) and I dig into my pocket to refill. I refill and now the dude puts out his paw and indicates he'd like to see the juice. I hand him the bottle and he almost has an asthma attack as he is snickering and laughing at my Candy Apple juice which I was, until then, enjoying thoroughly. He goes on and on about how local juices are, in his words, k@k and that he only vapes "international." Goes on again for longer than needed about how k@k our local PG/VG/Nic/Concentrates are and that he imports everything he vapes and mixes his own goodies too, which he doesn't want to sell, but people and stores are breaking down his door wanting him to mix for them. He only mixes for himself and a few close friends he says. Charges, I believe R300 for 75 ml coz that's how good his stuff is. Says, coz our kids are at the same school he will add me to this elite group and I could start buying from him as soon as I've finished my, he might as well have said, watered down Candy Apple.
He takes out a few brown bottles and asks me to taste them from my finger as he is putting drops of his juice onto each of my fingers. Granted, his stuff tasted different to mine, and even the drag he let me sample from his drip tip tasted good, I still felt he was a douche bag who didn't deserve my R300 for his international stuff.
Rant over.
Now please do tell me more about local vs international. And also, I thought PG/VG were pretty standard? BP or USP?
I still remember him saying that he only vapes out of France/Italy/Milan. I was nauseated.
You'll do good and tasty DIY juices on your own - and at a heck of a lot less than R300 for 75ml.

Local VG and PG are fine. There have been a few concerns around some of the nic available but I've never had any problems with it. International concentrates are generally easier because there are a lot of flavour notes and recipes for them. But there are some international flavours that stink up the place, and some local concentrates which are bangers. Every line has its hits and misses.

To start with, I'd recommend the more well-known brands in DIY: TFA, FA, FW, Cap, Inw, Flv, JF. But that is mainly because it's better to mix up well-known and popular recipes to start with, and these are the brands most commonly used. But once you want to start developing your own recipes, there is nothing wrong with trying out local brands.
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Now please do tell me more about local vs international.
I think he was over-exaggerating simply because he wanted to make his juice line feel exclusive. Don't believe there is a difference in the FA Sweet cream i use vs. the FA Sweet cream HIC uses. :)
You are more than welcome to come over to my place and test some homebrew samples for free and experience for yourself that local can be lekker. :)
Granted alot of local juices i have tested are average or even below average but i have also have had international juices that were not good.
We definitely have some great juices locally that can compete with the overseas market like Paulies , Vapour Mountain and Mr Hardwicks but to name a few.
Don't be put off by tight asses like the bloke you mentioned. :) If you like what you vaping then who cares.
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If you like what you vaping then who cares.
That'd the gist of it.

@Rob Fisher loves XXX. @Dietz enjoys dragon fruit. I'm not a big fan of either. Does that make me right and them wrong? Or the other way around? Nope it just means we all have a decent idea of what we do or don't like.

There is stuff I don't like, local and international and there is stuff I do like. It's about personal taste.

The guy is an elitest moron. Ignore him. He probably has a super duper extra high end setup at home... That no one else has ever seen.

Now, more importantly @playa4life , how did the netball match go? (I'm also a netball dad :))
He is talking k@k... my words.
Nic is a contentious issue, but you only have X amount of options and then you have exhausted all the possibility of finding that magic nic (which in my view doesn't exist).

Mpg is better as it is single origin and is consistently good. But a good batch of BP or USP pg tastes just as good. It's is about consistency and not the acctual flavor. Consistently good pg not better tasting pg.

So in short. This guy is full of it and he is probably raiding top rated ATF recipes online and claiming it as his own.

He sounds like someone who talks too much to really know what he is talking about.

Why am I never around when people talk kak like this......
I had an interesting and, well mostly annoying conversation with some random at my kid's netball match over the weekend. While, I was mostly happy withthe juice that I've been vaping on, I am the first to admit that you could probably give me some PG/VG mix where you added some Oros concentrate in and I'd not know the difference of that vs a premium high end juice - whatever that may be.
Anyway, the dude slaunters over to me when he spotted my smoke signals calling all vapers to the back of the bleachers. We start chatting about this and that. I can tell, immediately that he's been vaping since birth. Mid chat, my tank ran empty (thank you very much 3ml Baby Beast) and I dig into my pocket to refill. I refill and now the dude puts out his paw and indicates he'd like to see the juice. I hand him the bottle and he almost has an asthma attack as he is snickering and laughing at my Candy Apple juice which I was, until then, enjoying thoroughly. He goes on and on about how local juices are, in his words, k@k and that he only vapes "international." Goes on again for longer than needed about how k@k our local PG/VG/Nic/Concentrates are and that he imports everything he vapes and mixes his own goodies too, which he doesn't want to sell, but people and stores are breaking down his door wanting him to mix for them. He only mixes for himself and a few close friends he says. Charges, I believe R300 for 75 ml coz that's how good his stuff is. Says, coz our kids are at the same school he will add me to this elite group and I could start buying from him as soon as I've finished my, he might as well have said, watered down Candy Apple.
He takes out a few brown bottles and asks me to taste them from my finger as he is putting drops of his juice onto each of my fingers. Granted, his stuff tasted different to mine, and even the drag he let me sample from his drip tip tasted good, I still felt he was a douche bag who didn't deserve my R300 for his international stuff.
Rant over.
Now please do tell me more about local vs international. And also, I thought PG/VG were pretty standard? BP or USP?
I still remember him saying that he only vapes out of France/Italy/Milan. I was nauseated.

1st up... What a Duche!! And you actually continued through this all? I would have turned around and walked away. I have no time for people like this at all.

My opinion on local and International. I've tasted quite a few of both and can say with confidence that International is not always better, the same goes for some local juices Ive tried, but then again on the other hand Ive tasted some Pretty darn amazing local juices that would blow any International out of the water.
and to add, There has been some really special DIY mixes Ive tasted that would give both Import and Local juice a good run! I am not too confident in my own DIYs as yet, but Know Ive created at least two mixes that Id prefer over many international juices.

To sum it up, FA Fuji Apple is FA Fuji Apple is FA Fuji Apple...
To me, and as mentioned before, Its about what YOU like, what suits your Taste!

This guy sounds so full of himself and by the sounds of it, would not know a good juice if it slapped him in the face. I know a few people who are on the same page as that guy and nothing you can say or do will get past that massive Ego.

@craigb ... Yes... Yes that definitely makes you wrong for not liking Dragon fruit! :flaming:
1st up... What a Duche!! And you actually continued through this all? I would have turned around and walked away. I have no time for people like this at all.

My opinion on local and International. I've tasted quite a few of both and can say with confidence that International is not always better, the same goes for some local juices Ive tried, but then again on the other hand Ive tasted some Pretty darn amazing local juices that would blow any International out of the water.
and to add, There has been some really special DIY mixes Ive tasted that would give both Import and Local juice a good run! I am not too confident in my own DIYs as yet, but Know Ive created at least two mixes that Id prefer over many international juices.

To sum it up, FA Fuji Apple is FA Fuji Apple is FA Fuji Apple...
To me, and as mentioned before, Its about what YOU like, what suits your Taste!

This guy sounds so full of himself and by the sounds of it, would not know a good juice if it slapped him in the face. I know a few people who are on the same page as that guy and nothing you can say or do will get past that massive Ego.

@craigb ... Yes... Yes that definitely makes you wrong for not liking Dragon fruit! :flaming:
Oooo I have all the time in the world for people like that and I love asking question to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes...

If you want to be a smart ass, best you get the smart bit right first.... otherwise you are just an ass...

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He is talking k@k... my words.
Nic is a contentious issue, but you only have X amount of options and then you have exhausted all the possibility of finding that magic nic (which in my view doesn't exist).

Mpg is better as it is single origin and is consistently good. But a good batch of BP or USP pg tastes just as good. It's is about consistency and not the acctual flavor. Consistently good pg not better tasting pg.

So in short. This guy is full of it and he is probably raiding top rated ATF recipes online and claiming it as his own.

He sounds like someone who talks too much to really know what he is talking about.

Why am I never around when people talk kak like this......
@zandernwn on the Nic, There is one local Guy and I can say that the Nic he uses is definitely something Special, His 6mg does not taste anything as hash\strong as any other 3mg ive tasted anywhere. It is by far the smoothest Nic juices on 6mg that I have tasted.
Its Reavers Vape Juice. I can really say thats the smoothest nic in any Local juice!
@zandernwn on the Nic, There is one local Guy and I can say that the Nic he uses is definitely something Special, His 6mg does not taste anything as hash\strong as any other 3mg ive tasted anywhere. It is by far the smoothest Nic juices on 6mg that I have tasted.
Its Reavers Vape Juice. I can really say thats the smoothest nic in any Local juice!
No doubt certain nic is beter than others. But ask any of the mainstream juice producers and they can write books about bad batches costing them huge losses

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