Where do you buy your concentrates from and why?

And I'd love to know how french/Italian juices are better than what we have to our disposal... I would imaging they would be more inclined to use FA... nothing is stopping anyone on the local scene from developing insane recipes. Unless he pay jivdan in excess of 240k usd to develop custom concentrates by people who have their noses insured for the same price a Bill Gates annual income, then I can't see how he can do any Beter.... you always meet these kind of people one on one on random occasions... you never hear them claiming stuff like that here on public forums like this one... they know they will get eaten alive

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That'd the gist of it.

@Rob Fisher loves XXX. @Dietz enjoys dragon fruit. I'm not a big fan of either. Does that make me right and them wrong? Or the other way around? Nope it just means we all have a decent idea of what we do or don't like.

There is stuff I don't like, local and international and there is stuff I do like. It's about personal taste.

The guy is an elitest moron. Ignore him. He probably has a super duper extra high end setup at home... That no one else has ever seen.

Now, more importantly @playa4life , how did the netball match go? (I'm also a netball dad :))

It was my grade 1 daughter's first match. Tensions ran high on the day. She's just not concentrating as much as she should. Also, she tends to get way too friendly with the opponents. Halfway through, she was reciting her eisteddfod poem to the girl she was supposed to be defending. She needs more focus.
Other than that, her team came away with a win on the day. I'm considering netball boot camp.
Wife says I'm not allowed at the matches again unless I learn to behave.
In all seriousness, it was a good day out with the family :-D
I think he was over-exaggerating simply because he wanted to make his juice line feel exclusive. Don't believe there is a difference in the FA Sweet cream i use vs. the FA Sweet cream HIC uses. :)
You are more than welcome to come over to my place and test some homebrew samples for free and experience for yourself that local can be lekker. :)
Granted alot of local juices i have tested are average or even below average but i have also have had international juices that were not good.
We definitely have some great juices locally that can compete with the overseas market like Paulies , Vapour Mountain and Mr Hardwicks but to name a few.
Don't be put off by tight asses like the bloke you mentioned. :) If you like what you vaping then who cares.
Being new to the vape scene, I know that I need to expose myself to more mixes so I'll take you up on the offer sometime.
I have the same approach with people when it comes to vaping as a health issue. :)
Then one gets to experience how the definition of the word "misinformed" really shines.
The lack of diverse and indepth research is such a destructive road.
I was awaiting a delivery at the office last week an was vaping while I waited at despatch. One of the delivery guys spots me vaping and as he pulls away, he chirps me to throw that thing away as it's going to shrink my balls and do I know what's in that stuff. This he says as he is driving off with a cigarette in between his lips. I just smiled and waved.
Oooo I have all the time in the world for people like that and I love asking question to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes...

My problem is that I will start grinning and sometimes outright laugh if I get one of these guys. Ok, not that I am a veteran yet, but some of the BS they sell you can spot for what it is even if you just use your common sense.

With regards to the Local vs International, all I can say is that I was very excited for a well known international brand to be at the cape vape festival. I sampled their juices and honestly I was disappointed.
Heh. A lot of the "local vs international" debate can be solved by a simple blind taste test. Everyone's raving about "top notes", side notes, subtle aftertaste, wooden element, and what the hell ever. But taste them side by side in unlabeled bottles and I'm willing to bet 90% of vapers won't be able to tell which is international and which is local.
So this just happened.... Ordered at 10:00am this morning.... Thats why I buy from blck

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