Wismec Theorem RTA

Also up on FT for those interested
Check from about 1 minute onwards...
I'm dying to know if this things is beta than the avocado. I love my avocado but am sooooo tempted to try this one out....
I'm dying to know if this things is beta than the avocado. I love my avocado but am sooooo tempted to try this one out....

IMO its a no-brainer that it will be better than the avo.
  • shorter hanging wicks means better juice flow
  • due to the innovative build deck theres no stuffing wick through holes, just drop and trim.
  • innovative slotted coil, which theoretically you could install in an avo too.
  • easy refills due to not having to squeeze juice past the wicks.
  • innovative airflow solution.
The chance of me getting an Avo is now zero due to this being on the market.
However, my MTL habit is more easily satisfied with Kayfuns as I learnt with an impulsive Goblin mini buy, didnt like it and it was gifted out.
IMO its a no-brainer that it will be better than the avo.
  • shorter hanging wicks means better juice flow
  • due to the innovative build deck theres no stuffing wick through holes, just drop and trim.
  • innovative slotted coil, which theoretically you could install in an avo too.
  • easy refills due to not having to squeeze juice past the wicks.
  • innovative airflow solution.
The chance of me getting an Avo is now zero due to this being on the market.
However, my MTL habit is more easily satisfied with Kayfuns as I learnt with an impulsive Goblin mini buy, didnt like it and it was gifted out.
Well I love the flavour the avo gives even in single coil setup. I would love to hear from someone tht has the avo and is lucky enough to have this...however tht being said the camhances if me getting this are very high after finding out it could be here by next week
Well I love the flavour the avo gives even in single coil setup. I would love to hear from someone tht has the avo and is lucky enough to have this...however tht being said the camhances if me getting this are very high after finding out it could be here by next week
Avo is great, my favourite tank at the moment - also in single coil. Theorem is number one on my to buy list.
I cannot wait for this any longer!

Not exactly my favorite reviewer (much better than the other animated one though), but this seems to be the first 'neutral' (not by Matt / Jaybo, who of course didn't pretend to be neutral) review:

I went out this weekend and purchased the Haze Dripper Tank, simply because I can't wait till month end for my Theorem. They currently only shipping on the 15th, then still 2weeks till it's delivered.
Judging from my experience with the Haze I can without a doubt say that the Theorem is going to be a helluva good tank - especially when it comes to flavour wise.
By the same assumption the Avocado, even if not as good as the Theorem, has got to be a good tank.
I went out this weekend and purchased the Haze Dripper Tank, simply because I can't wait till month end for my Theorem. They currently only shipping on the 15th, then still 2weeks till it's delivered.
Judging from my experience with the Haze I can without a doubt say that the Theorem is going to be a helluva good tank - especially when it comes to flavour wise.
By the same assumption the Avocado, even if not as good as the Theorem, has got to be a good tank.
I can confirm that the avocado is an awesome tank dude. Just a bit finicky with wicking and filling if running in dual coil setup but flavour wise this thing is a beast.
I can confirm that the avocado is an awesome tank dude. Just a bit finicky with wicking and filling if running in dual coil setup but flavour wise this thing is a beast.

The Haze dripper tank is the same, wicking is a beeeeach but man when wicked right the flavour is other wordly. In my head I imagine the Avocado to be better than the Haze. Can only guess that the flavour the Avocado is better than the Haze too.

Right now I have a single horizontal Clapton 3mm 6wraps 0.8ohm @ 42W - the vapor produced isn't very high but the flavour man the flavour.... :dancer2:
Has anyone here been able to try out this bad boy yet? Inquiring minds want to know.
My Theorem is at my mail place just waiting for me to pick it up later tonight. And I already have a Clapton built for it. So it will get built yet tonight (USA) and be pitted against my 2 Avocados (one of which also has a single Clapton in it) by the wee hours of tonight.
First build and vape on the Wismec Theorem RTA. Clapton .68 top air only @ 50W... DIY Amaretto Toffee. Toasty, and it does get hot with chain vapes. Not too bad of flavor for a first try, but need to play with it more. Will it unseat the Avacodo's? Not yet. :)

First build and vape on the Wismec Theorem RTA. Clapton .68 top air only @ 50W... DIY Amaretto Toffee. Toasty, and it does get hot with chain vapes. Not too bad of flavor for a first try, but need to play with it more. Will it unseat the Avacodo's? Not yet. :)


Can you give the notch coil a go and let us know your opinion on it please @Spydro. BTW it looks sick as tits on your Minikin!
Can you give the notch coil a go and let us know your opinion on it please @Spydro. BTW it looks sick as tits on your Minikin!

I do like it's looks better with the SS/Glass sleeve rather than glass and pantie blue o-rings. But the sleeve does get pretty hot (the whole atty does), and forget the super short DT that come with it. It's SS/glass same as the longer one I put on the tank, but it's so short you can fry your lips on the atty's top cap.

It came with a Notch pre installed, and a second one as a spare also with enough wick for 3-4 regular builds. I tore it out, have no intent on even trying them. From my reading about them few if any are liking them. Most agree they are not for flavor, and flavor is what I seek. Some say they get a lot of spit back from them too. Their monster wicks can also create an air lock issue when you slide a tank sleeve on that chokes them between the deck cutouts and the sleeve. Sticking a pick down past them would open up an air channel to equalize pressure, but folks are saying the channel quickly closes back up as joose expands the cotton. Maybe they would not if using Rayon wick, or RxW, but I see massing with them as being a waste of time myself. BTW, Brother Rob has already tried these coils in something else, and already nixed them.