Xmas ECIGSSA Vendor Competition - Giving Back to the community!

Nice one @Caveman
Thanks for showing us!
Looking forward to hearing more about what was in there!
Looks like lots of juice and DIY supplies?
Yup, a bunch of DIY flavors which I don't have, which is awesome. Juice tester packs from OFE and Islander, 50ml juices from Sickboy77, a bottle of juice from the Criminal Co, PG, VG, Nic, some empty bottles, a sweet T-shirt from Sir Vape, a drip tip and some stickers, oh and a few DIY supplies also, measuring tubes and syringes

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Oh man... what a nice set of prizes...congrats!

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My prize arrived shortly ago.


Thanks to the forum, the vendors and @NewOobY for my prize of the R500 juice voucher. And some of you might pick up that this is worth more than R500 but what I did was purchase all the juice from Carls concoctions and used the R500 for a down payment. So, that I can taste all the flavours on offer from them.


First up is the bubblegum milkshake. I will do a taste on all the flavours and give my opinion on each one as I finish the taste experience.

Got my chosen flavours from Carlos Concoctions! Magnificent 300mls of goodness!

Thanks to @NewOobY for getting in touch and pointing out the bundle he had on. Will be giving feedback on these bad boys soon :LOVEYOUZ:

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@Wazrob I suggest you go take a look at page 11 of this thread... deadline to claim the prize is fast approaching... if not claimed by Friday we will select the next person on the list in position 6.
@Wazrob I suggest you go take a look at page 11 of this thread... deadline to claim the prize is fast approaching... if not claimed by Friday we will select the next person on the list in position 6.

No way! i completely forgot about this :SWEATINGHOT::SWEATINGHOT: I've sent you PM with my details :campeon::campeon:

Would've kicked myself if i missed out on this:rofl::rofl:
No way! i completely forgot about this :SWEATINGHOT::SWEATINGHOT: I've sent you PM with my details :campeon::campeon:

Would've kicked myself if i missed out on this:rofl::rofl:

Lol close one. One question though. Who forgets about a whole box of Vape goodness? Congrats again

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