The lifecycle of a Vaper:
1 - Curious - Sees everybody vaping
2 - Committed - Buys a pen style vape from the supermarket
3 - Envy - Notices everyone has nicer equipment
4 - Pride - Buys a starter kit with MTL tank
5 - Envy - Sees everyone blowing big clouds
6 - Pride - Buys a 200w mod and Tank and coils
7 - Deflation - Can't understand why kit has no flavour or clouds
8 - Envy - See everyone rebuilding their RBAs to get better flavour and clouds
9 - Pride - Buys RBA, wire, tools and cotton and starts making own coils
10 - Envy sees everyone talking about mindblowing flavour from RDAs
11 - Pride - Buys RDA and experiences mindblowing flavour
12 - Envy - Sees everyone talkin about how squonking is 10 times better than dripping
13 - Pride - Buys first squonker and agrees squonking is the future
14 - Envy - Sees better squonkers and has no self control to stop buying
15 - Pride - Still buying more gear
16 - Pride - More gear
17 - Pride - ...gear...
18 - Envy - Sees shiny Mech mods and is interested
19 - Pride - buys first mech and in heaven
20 - Pride - Buys more expensive mech, skint now but better than ever
21 - Fear - Buys £400 mech and hides it from partner
22 - Fear - Tries to sell old mechs to cover hole in finances
(I'm at no 4)
Sent from my Samsung using Tapatalk
I went from 1 to 6 (because I am impatient

Sent by iDad's iPhone