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  1. nemo

    Failing At Vaping

    Lol @Christopher I was at home luckily and can so relate to the mouth full of juice had the family crawling with laughter
  2. nemo

    VapeClub - iStick 40W TC coming soon ..

    Watching in anticipation this is really another device I am seriously considering
  3. nemo

    istick 40 + billow v2 or subox mini + subtank?

    I think I am going to wait for the istick especially if they are going to be about the same price. I really really wanted the subox but I am happy now that I had to wait. Shame poor old @free3dom had to listen to my ramblings after his great review. The istick I think does allow firmware...
  4. nemo

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy happy guys have a wonderful day
  5. nemo

    Not Just Ecigs (not for sensitive people)

    Ouch poor kid
  6. nemo

    Ending the day

    Wow after a hectic start to the day We have finally arrived at Martloth Park. I don't think I can ask for a better ending
  7. nemo

    Calling all DIY'ers

    @UnholyMunk May I ask what percentage you doing the vanilla bean ice cream and bavarian creme at?
  8. nemo


    Lawyers should never ask a Georgia grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer. In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know me?' She...
  9. nemo

    Intro to Vaping + The Subox Mini

    ' I am starting to realise that saying I will never by another mod or tank again is like Making a New Years resolution in the moment or the day after the companies Christmas Party that had an open bar. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Enjoy the new toy Sir! :rock:
  10. nemo

    Kangertech: Subox Mini

    @free3dom lol seems like my badluck is turning into good luck :clap:
  11. nemo

    Things you can say about your mod but not your significant other

    see it fits nice and snug unlike the one I have.
  12. nemo

    Things I hate about Vaping!

    Forgetting to hit the confirm button on my "smart" charger to only discover an hour later after the spare is low that it has not charged. My son thinking that ejuices I bought and not even opened yet is for his use.
  13. nemo

    Lemo 2 Replacement glass

    Most welcome, happy to help
  14. nemo

    Lemo 2 Replacement glass

    Not sure if this is the one you looking for.
  15. nemo

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Welcome @JacoV, @R8B84 and @Hero So nice to see so many new faces here.
  16. nemo

    hana modz 50w clone mo show

    If you have a multimeter check the battery voltage, if that is on 4.20v then it should be fully charged. If it is below then like say 4.15 and lower then it is not fully charged and the I would start looking at the Mod itself. (depending on the accuracy of your meter)
  17. nemo

    Nicotine advice

    If you need to lower your nic on the DIY kit its easy, I am not sure what you are using to calculate for your recipe but all that will happen is you will use less nic base and more pg/vg and save yourself some money. Just remember to update your recipes with the new target strength :rofl: As...
  18. nemo

    Calling all DIY'ers

    @Viper_SA may I ask what the EM and sucralose you are using. Stopped at 3 different pharmacies to try find stevia liquid and nothing :(
  19. nemo

    Intro to Vaping + The Subox Mini

    @free3dom absolutely brilliant thread going to be my new URL I hand out. Very well written and just enough detail on the different abbreviations. Reads very well and supplies enough information regarding both the device and vaping, not overwhelming.
  20. nemo

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Welcome and congrats on kicking the stinkies, Check this thread for lots of info on the DIY mixing and as @BioHAZarD said skyblue has a nice starter kit that helps save on the initial purchase. Some of the members here have also posted recipes. Who knows we be looking at the next juice master in...