Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

I can highly recommend winning a gift from @Rob Fisher
Arrived in record speed 13 hours from Durbs to Cape Town, perfect condition and all accessories included in box.
A small (by most guys' standards here) but much needed and anticipated bit of VapeMail from the friendly boys at BlckFlavour. Never tried Red Pill, so that's going to be a first and then some flavours that I haven't tried before. here will be some experimenting happening..
Also never used the Superfine Fused Clapton wire before.
Vape Mail Baby! High Speed from Creme de Vape in the UK as always! Taifun GTR with DL post replacement and extended tank.
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Vape Mail Baby! Vapor Giant Kronos, Some tough battery wraps, Gold and silver bits and pieces for the BB, some new disposable tanks to test, stock of the Vape Any Wear Nija vaping goodies, and a clear FF Boro tank.
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Extra mech power and MTL tank


Sent from small screen
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Vape Mail baby:headbang: Prize I won in a Twisp competition a BIG THANK YOU to @HPBotha and @Mic Lazzari you guys are awesome:number_one: Thank you for my early Christmas present:aaaaa: I will test it out and give you feedback.