Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Vape Mail Baby! Presentation Pack of Cthulhu Elixirs! Bazinga! Some tasting to be done this weekend!
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With the first bottle of Blimey at its end, the new batch came just in time, with a little something special!

Thanks @KZOR !!!

Pssst for you guys and girls that do not follow the birthday thread . It is his birthday today shhhh I did not tell you guys:)
Vape Mail Baby! A bottle of Dragonfly from Sigma E-liquids! A dragonfruit and Blueberry juice! The second bottle of vapable juice to arrive today! Chicken Dinner!
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After a good day on the water, it was a nice surprise to find Vape Mail Baby! The new juice from Weiner Vape! Balize! Thank you @Rooigevaar! You rock!
Not strictly Vape Mail... however it's to protect my Vape Collection! Olight Balor Lazer targeting and torch for the Glock! Boom!
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Latest arrivels at Casa do ARYANTO . @Phill and @Tevin -much obliged ;)
Nice squonk mods can I call dibs of the limelight if you get tired of it really looking for a white squonk mod