Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Is that from the supplier in Joburg that was mentioned?
One of the main sellers i was looking at on ebay, you select USA plug or Euro plug - the Euro plug appears to be a standard 2-pin plug.
PS: btw, i heard that in Australia the law requires that you get an authorised electrician to install plugs.

Yip it was... I don't know why suppliers don't get this issue sorted... it's just sloppy business.
Actually from now on anyone posting packages and not revealing in a reasonable time will be subject to a fine and a flogging! :-@
it sometimes depends on Work. And Life. :-S

The name of the product starts with Major...

! it is these!

:party: :rofl:

just discovered, the little black velvet pad is actually a little bag. 8--)
PS: i haven't yet examined any of the clones or Chinese glass drip tips - i kind of have doubts about them, the glass - but this glass - quartz glass - is definitely good. Solid.

CVS, will make a plan.
This is not much different from a group buy, i think i mentioned before. The main difference is not the price, just that i would not want to be responsible for all the schlepp and the potential for issues that group buys involve.
This is not much different from a group buy, i think i mentioned before. The main difference is not the price, just that i would not want to be responsible for all the schlepp and the potential for issues that group buys involve.
Group buy for me is not for the price , is because i cant do electronic payments.....
Do you have a link?
A few vape mail deliveries later...

A small starter kit?



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Can't wait to show off my vapemail. Its all been delivered on Germany whilst out here :) next Wednesday tho
My mail from MDK Vapes


2014-09-06 15.09.39.jpg


Thank you MDK, this is by a long shot my new favorite vape device.

Yes it is big, especially with the Aero Tank Giant as a topper, but I have never help a more comfortable device in my hand (not for small hands). Performance is awsome, only niggle is battery management. Lets see what the firmware upgrade fixs later this month, but aside from the battery issue this device rocks.
Huge thank you to @JakesSA, from VapeClub for doing another incredible job on my second Bottom Fed Atomic for the Reo




Really perfect.