Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Let the games begin....

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Thanks to @drew from Valley Vapour for excellent service.

Packed perfectly in a box (not shown), fast delivery and not a single leak from any of the liquids. Thanks @drew. You rock.

Several flavours, PG, VG and some 18mg and 36mg Nic. Lovely.

Not much beats the feeling of getting new concentrates to try new recipes with
Finally legendary vape mail from the legendary @Rob Fisher!
2015-10-27 20.53.55.jpg
This Woodvil is so lovely I don't know if I should make it my go to mod or if I should hide it away and not use it.
Rob thanks for the tropical Ice and extra juice to try!
Rob even built me a coil :D.
That's one beautiful Woodvil! I hope she gives you many hours of pleasure! :rock:
I can't decide if I need to make her a trophy wife or wear her down :D

Thanks @Rob Fisher

damn nice man, wow.
I'd make one of those box photo frames with internal led lighting and hang it on the wall. :)

I was thinking using her at home exclusively but now it's all day or nothing.
Finally legendary vape mail from the legendary @Rob Fisher!
View attachment 37924
This Woodvil is so lovely I don't know if I should make it my go to mod or if I should hide it away and not use it.
Rob thanks for the tropical Ice and extra juice to try!
Rob even built me a coil :D.

Wowee @Christos
She is amazing! Enjoy!
I say keep her at home, locked up safe and sound ;-)

Use on special occasions with special juices!
Finally legendary vape mail from the legendary @Rob Fisher!
View attachment 37924
This Woodvil is so lovely I don't know if I should make it my go to mod or if I should hide it away and not use it.
Rob thanks for the tropical Ice and extra juice to try!
Rob even built me a coil :D.
Congrats. Amazing devices. The hand feel is just special. Made to be used. Enjoy.
My Vapemail is only accessories for my Subox.. I did get more stuffs (not shown), but that was my brother's. Felt AWESOME to receive my first Vapemail! Anyhow here's what I got... ...AAAAAND found out I ordered the wrong coil wire... MEH!

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So three days ago me and my wife made a decision to stop vaping. WORST decision we ever made. After the second day we realized we made a big mistake and missed vaping to much. I sold all my juice and mods three days ago and had to get a new mod and juice so here is my vape mail.




Got some juice to keep me busy for awhile and a beautiful mod -EFUSION DNA200 by lostvape