Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Let me know what you think of it please as Ive got the other bottle! Whats the sense in making a liquid and you need a magnifying glass to read the label!

Will do, I've got a 'pit stop' scheduled for later, check that juice level in my reo ;)
l do not want to post a pic of my last order received, parcel arrived in a soggy state, juice everywhere, my office smells like a coconut exploded in it! Very upsetting with equally upsetting service that I did not expect from this vendor.
l do not want to post a pic of my last order received, parcel arrived in a soggy state, juice everywhere, my office smells like a coconut exploded in it! Very upsetting with equally upsetting service that I did not expect from this vendor.

Damn dude, that sucks so much!

I would send an email, PM to that vendor to sort it out.

I hope you get answered in a reasonable and friendly manner - All the best
Damn dude, that sucks so much!

I would send an email, PM to that vendor to sort it out.

I hope you get answered in a reasonable and friendly manner - All the best

Thanks Bud, no reply to my mails, sent a PM, do not want to mention names, really upsetting.
Thank you @Mike!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
How did you place your order? Really want to support a PTA boy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Epic vape mail from the Skipper :)

The Origen little 16 BF atty has been a dream come true, I am so happy right now I'm at a loss for words.
And to top it off, the vapemail had a surprise hidden inside in the form of Nom DU Plume (this smells divine by the way) and a Creamy Cinnamon (not sure who makes this, the label is super tiny haha)
@Rob Fisher you are master class, I'm pretty sure if you look up the word 'legend' in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Rob with some form of epic sqounk device :rock:
Thank you so much, I am so grateful :)


Awesome @DoubleD
Lovely photo
VapeClub vape mail, thank you @JakesSA. Two Sapors modded to bf, with a bf modded Pi2 gifted for good measure. As VapeClub stock a good selection of juices, took the opportunity to stock up on some favourites - VoodooVapour Gravestone (@Zeki Hilmi) and @ComplexChaos's Heavenly Peaches.

VapeClub vape mail, thank you @JakesSA. Two Sapors modded to bf, with a bf modded Pi2 gifted for good measure. As VapeClub stock a good selection of juices, took the opportunity to stock up on some favourites - VoodooVapour Gravestone (@Zeki Hilmi) and @ComplexChaos's Heavenly Peaches.

Those SAPOr's distinctly remind me of the old red post boxes the SAPO used to have .. ;)

The pi2 post less RDA bf conversing has sparked my interest. Could I get photos?
A review perhaps?
The pi2 post less RDA bf conversing has sparked my interest. Could I get photos?
A review perhaps?
Shall do (photos and impressions) when I get to it @Christos.

Have in the mean time dual coiled the Sapor BF at 0.5 ohms with 27 g Kanthal (6 wraps each) with ceramic wicking and great so far. Better than the Rogue imo and even less chance of leaking on oversquonk.