Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

I've gotta say, the staff at all the VapeMob shops give good service.
I was at the Vineyard Rd branch in Claremont chatting about my needs with the very informative staff there. He advised me to pop on to their Rosmead Av Kenilworth branch where I received excellent service from the chap rocking a big beard.
I was after a iPOW2, 3~15w but seeing as I already had a 18650 was advised to get the iTaste SVD, I received a monster 70% discount that made me feel like I was in Grandwest Casino.

The rest of the goodies came from a user on BidorBuy (HDCabling) great prices and service.
When its all assembled, I feel like the 10th Doctor rocking a sonic screwdriver. :-D



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Thanks @KieranD
I placed my order yesterday at 14:52 pm and received it this morning at 09:02 am. That was super fast.
Awesome service.
I find this whole coil building thing moerse interesting, and tried sitting on my hands but it hasnt worked. :)
I figured I'd need another tank for a new flavor, plus my chinese 18650 ( only weighs 30.6g so def fake) didnt really last long enough... so another trip to VapeMob who recommended the Kayfun for my itaste SVD :)
The winding jig I made from 2mm stainless steel welding rod with the flux scraped off and a M4 machine screw and nut with 2 M4 washers to complete it.

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I find this whole coil building thing moerse interesting, and tried sitting on my hands but it hasnt worked. :)
I figured I'd need another tank for a new flavor, plus my chinese 18650 ( only weighs 30.6g so def fake) didnt really last long enough... so another trip to VapeMob who reccomended the Kayfun for my itaste SVD :)
The winding jig I made from 2mm stainless steel welding rod with the flux scraped off and a M4 machine screw and nut with 2 M4 washers to complete it.

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Ah the good old Kayfun, enjoy it :)
I find this whole coil building thing moerse interesting, and tried sitting on my hands but it hasnt worked. :)
I figured I'd need another tank for a new flavor, plus my chinese 18650 ( only weighs 30.6g so def fake) didnt really last long enough... so another trip to VapeMob who reccomended the Kayfun for my itaste SVD :)
The winding jig I made from 2mm stainless steel welding rod with the flux scraped off and a M4 machine screw and nut with 2 M4 washers to complete it.

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and so it begins... Once you start with re-buildables, you will never look back. The Kayfun will be a huge step-up from the mini ProTank 3.
(I'm sure the bearded man at VapeMOB gave you the details on building safely and all that stuff). Enjoy!
That's an awesome picture!

You look quite high in that building, creating more clouds! :D
Hehe - funny you should say that! The owner of the apartment below me just sold and moved to the UK. Something about the weather in CT always being overcast ;)
(It's actually only a 4 storey building, just nicely positioned up a very steep road)
Vaporshark DNA200



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Good luck with that
Epic vape mail from the Skipper :)

The Origen little 16 BF atty has been a dream come true, I am so happy right now I'm at a loss for words.
And to top it off, the vapemail had a surprise hidden inside in the form of Nom DU Plume (this smells divine by the way) and a Creamy Cinnamon (not sure who makes this, the label is super tiny haha)
@Rob Fisher you are master class, I'm pretty sure if you look up the word 'legend' in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Rob with some form of epic sqounk device :rock:
Thank you so much, I am so grateful :)

DSC_0150.JPG Thank you KD!!!!!! Ready for a great weekend of testing / building. Just the aromamiser incoming... Then im done.... Til the next time I buy something
Oh wow, thank you, thats what the Skipper was hinting on :clap:

Visited their FB page and saw the "Mech V2" sqounker ...... :OMGWOW:
Let me know what you think of it please as Ive got the other bottle! Whats the sense in making a liquid and you need a magnifying glass to read the label!