Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Well today was a very special day for me on the Vapemail front!

I received my JB Mod wooden squonker back from the spa of expert maker @Genosmate in Knysna.

The previous time I got her she developed a problem relating to the wood moving slightly. So I sent her back and @Genosmate kindly made some alterations.

Put on the trusty RM2 atty and put in a mild 1.2 ohm simple coil. Quickly blended some strawberry ice for a test drive.

Am glad to report she is alive and well.

Put on the @hands drip tip and she is just gorgeous!

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I have been without her for quite a while because VapeCon got in the way ;-) I forgot how comfortable she is in the hand and how super light she is.

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And how beautifully light the fire button is. It's like tiptoeing. Lovely.

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The wood that has been used is polished to perfection and is magically beautiful.

Thank you @Genosmate. I appreciate all the effort. You have great talent and I can't believe I am holding this in my hand!

A for the vape - it's very good so far. About half a bottle in!

That mod really looks outstanding @Silver . @Genosmate you are really talented ... well done !!!

And it performs a lot like the Melo 3 @Robert Howes. ;-)

@Rob Fisher , please provide another update, say in a weeks time or so.

The oke's over here already think my obsession is spiraling out of control - LOL. So you went the U-Sonic route with the steeping, I found myself 3 weeks ago getting quotes for heated magnetic stirrers. Still dont know which direction to go - what did that bad boy set you back?

I have so many flavours at home, my mixes got way to complex - so decided to go back to basics, simple custards, simple lemonades.

So im also going to make a Lemonade and mix it with melons - #melonade. <---------------------- Did you check what I did there? :aplastao:

The @home DIY Cupboard

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@Chukin'Vape ...read lemonade first and then noticed the melonade...nice one

I went cheappy with the R580 ultrasonic thats got a 3 min timer...not ideal but the others are too darn expensive

Let me know how the melonade comes out..
Yeah, comes out to 0.11. Vapes like a beast, does get hot though

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@Chukin'Vape ...read lemonade first and then noticed the melonade...nice one

I went cheappy with the R580 ultrasonic thats got a 3 min timer...not ideal but the others are too darn expensive

Let me know how the melonade comes out..

Drop me a link there for this U-Sonic you bought, thats a good price. On average - how much time do you U-sonic your juice before you vape it?
Drop me a link there for this U-Sonic you bought, thats a good price. On average - how much time do you U-sonic your juice before you vape it?

Mods if not allowed please delete...


My creams and milkshakes 45 minutes to hour steep including 10 minute cap off rest half way through and 1 night cap off if there are perfumey flavours..but its also personal preference..I always make like 35 ml to 40ml at a time cos you will test in between steeps and then I still have 30 ml instead of half a bottle...best steeping in glass bottles

With the glass bottles I can lay 3 or 4 X 30 ml bottles flat at the same time

Fruits, just a quick 10 minute steep to get everything nice and mixed

Oh and your tanks come out brand spanking new as well...
Thanx @boxerulez, I LUVIT!:h:

About to open my box :)

Twice as nice twice as much!!!

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About to open my box :)

Twice as nice twice as much!!!

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@boxerulez , I just love that Frozen. I keep trying other juices but end up coming back to it.
Just today I bought some stuff and was bitterly disappointed.
Anyway, that's just part of the learning curve.

@boxerulez , I just love that Frozen. I keep trying other juices but end up coming back to it.
Just today I bought some stuff and was bitterly disappointed.
Anyway, that's just part of the learning curve.

I feel that way about a lot of stuff lately which I used to love :(

Scary as it is I think I am getting to a point where I don't need the vape anymore (Perhaps dont want it either)

Also been spending a lot. Perhaps the guilt is muting my flavour...

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Went out for a short errand at 4 this morning, so stopped by my mail place to check for bills. Just one bill, the typical SPAM junk mail... but also found vape mail that wasn't due until later today. I hadn't check the tracking so didn't know it was there. Did check tracking when back home and have to call it top customer service from this vendor AND the USPS when you buy on the 27th, they ship at about 8PM on the 27th, and it is delivered to your mailbox at noon on the 28th with free shipping.

Got an all black Pico with some more Samsung 25R batts.



My Pico Patrol ready for action with their Avocado Genesis & Indestructible top hats.

Not really Vape mail but vape gear nonetheless


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