Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Holy moly @jpzx12rturbo
What a vapemail from yesterday!!!
That could just be one of the largest single vape mail posts ever on this thread - Rob Fisher included ;-)

Enjoy to th max and lets us know how you find the new gear
Also looking forward to hearing about the Reosmods mail when it arrives!!

That's fighting talk! I'm still on a KBox Mini + Subtank!! :-D

You know what after I posted that I knew "oh kak I've opened a door here"
Didn't mean any disrespect towards the kbox guys.It's a lovely little setup.
The flavor on it is the bees knees!

Holy moly @jpzx12rturbo
What a vapemail from yesterday!!!
That could just be one of the largest single vape mail posts ever on this thread - Rob Fisher included ;-)

Enjoy to th max and lets us know how you find the new gear
Also looking forward to hearing about the Reosmods mail when it arrives!!

Thanks silver!
Appreciate it. Will definitely post a bit
Of a review and a nice family picture.
You know what after I posted that I knew "oh kak I've opened a door here"
Didn't mean any disrespect towards the kbox guys.It's a lovely little setup.
The flavor on it is the bees knees!

Thanks silver!
Appreciate it. Will definitely post a bit
Of a review and a nice family picture.
Haha! No worries, it is a great setup, but things have indeed come along way since these little guys came out. It cannot compare to her new setup that's for sure!
Some mail of the vape kind... been looking to get a mech again for quite some time and decided to pull the trigger on the Fujin Mech from @Vapers Corner

Man oh man... this thing hits hard and is absolutely beautifully designed! Thick chunky threads, amazing fire button and battery adjuster. I have some LG HB2's for safe low builds and they perform very well so far! Running dual fused 24/38g 6 wrap 0.14ohm and its instant fire!

Thanks to @Vapers Corner and @Sir Vape for the new toys and excellent service as usual.

1st vape mail done and dusted.
Reminds me of Christmas mornings ,when you see what all santa has brought for being a good boy. IMG_2709.JPGIMG_2710.JPG

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Yeah baby! One broken glass bit all n all a good day.

As @Rob Fisher would say...

Vape mail baby!

Well most of it was inspired by him as well.

I suppose its more like a vape Parcel
Needless to say they wifey gave me "the look" when it all arrived
And Then proceeded to take the credit card away when she saw all this.
But I suppose I can't blame her.... I might have gone "a bit" overboard.


Still plucking up the courage to tell her there's 2 Reo's and some accessories on the
Way from Reosmods hehehe

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Holy Crap bro, that is why I order every week. With such a order my wife would have taken the card and told me to pack my clothes in my vape bag.:b2: