Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

So my long wait is over, after having been offered some Rodeo to try by @Greyz he surprised me today with not only that but also a bottle of Obsidian, 3 month steep, to enjoy as well. You are an example for all of us to look up to, especially with regards to sharing.
Some vapety vape vape Mail .... thanks so much @BioHAZarD for the desce bag, and yes another hadaly and the to the Oom legend @Rob Fisher for the dvarw rta.. can't wait to get this sucker running... thanks so much guys

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I couldn't resist this! Why an empty bottle and a plain brown bottle? A note on the invoice informed me that they had decanted the juice because it often leaks (from the glass bottles), but they'd included an empty bottle anyway. How thoughtful is that! Thank you, @Vapers Corner!

P.S. The tape around the bottle is mine - I put my own label on the other side, so please don't think that Vapers Corner sends juice that's all taped up lol.

Back in the country for a short while and picked these up from Vape Cartel in Plumstead yesterday. Looking forward to trying some local juices for a change. Thanks gents

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