Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Now to whip up the batches wait 2 weeks steeping....then vape buffet party at your place :)
Late night mod pickup from @akhalz. This mod is tiny! Exactly what I wanted.
@akhalz thank you for the tips. They are very comfortable on the lips and feel premium on the lips. Will give feedback as I give them some use.
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Indeed it is. I was drawn to it because of its size and it's simplicity.

Not a tube mech fan as this is my first mech tube but I'm impressed with it.

The tube with the NarBa will quickly become a daily as that looks like such a pocket friendly setup.
I just think the button placement will get annoying after a while lol, but you have the novelty of using a tube mech for the first time.
My only negative is the way the mod fires but so far I've got the fist hold gesture with fire going and I'm doing ok!
My only negative is the way the mod fires but so far I've got the fist hold gesture with fire going and I'm doing ok!

I find firing my tubes is most comfortable holding the tube with my index finger and thumb while firing the mod with the knuckle of my little finger.
some Sunday vape pick up thanks @JsPLAYn

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COLLECT MAIL from Kzor, who called me "Mrs Coffee" when I arrived! :-D It was great meeting you today, @KZOR!

Kzor has run out of labels, so I made my own. "Boeretroos" is, of course, a coffee juice!

Vape Mail Baby! I heard Ice Moster Melon Colada was worth a try so here goes... And these fancy Bubble Wrap coils as well... and then some 20700 Sanyo's for the Mirages!
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