Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

My Dicodes Dani 25 has finally made its way to PNG.

;) miss judged the size of this, it’s like a baton, now for the Dvarw and the setup will be complete.



Now we are so happy, we do the dance of joy!

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
Whatcha gonna make?
Whatcha gonna make?
'scuse me. What DID I make. You think any overly keen prospective DIY'er is going to get their vape mail delivered, and not attack the scale and funnels at the first opportunity? :D

Some of your guava & cactus, and choffee. A bit of Goofy's Juice and a little Mother of Dragons' Milk. I'd be much more comfortable calling it, like, Pauline's Guava... but what can you do.

Also, steeping sucks.
@Genosmate Hold the bottle upside down under running, hot water (don't waste the water - let it run into a container). Turn the bottle around and around while it's under the hot water. After that it usually opens quite easily.

I'll give that a try thanks.The Dobermann idea wasn't successful and he now likes XXX:D
hell, not as exciting as some of the stuff posted today, but got to meet the legend himself !

@Room Fogger was great to meet you ! lekker man
