Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Chalice IV, BF RDA from Mark Bugs in Romania. My atty of choice for regulated squonkers.

Fancy @Andre !

I like the half-half driptip, very cool!
Vape Mail! My Skyclone arrived! Thank you so much @Dubz and thank you for including the fused clapton wire! Really nice of you. :)

Vape Mail baby. A unicorn I have been after for a long time.

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Awesome mod @Rob Fisher. Especially in white. You have so many many kewl mods. If you ever happen to sell this one. I'll def take it.
Uncle Rob you are a legend.
These just arrived. A few HE edition Vandy Vape Pulse mods, with some spare bottles in different colours.

Only regret is that we should've ordered more panels in different colours whilst they were still under $5 per set. Ai...

(HE Edition unfortunately only means it comes with a 30ml squonk refill bottle, nothing more. Not sure really what's easier - removing the bottle to fill, or removing the attie. Oh well time will tell.)


Absolutely last try at Squonking!
Hopefully, this will last.

So far, mmmm so lekker

Oh, and this

Nom nom

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Hoping to fix a small problem I have been experiencing courtesy of @Vapers Corner , incontinence from some of my Boro tanks in the BB’s, :confused: so 4 new ones to replace the current ones and hope for the best.:cool:


I am still going to be removing them overnight going forward, irrespective of whether the new ones behave.:D