Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Tjoh imagine two stabwood freehand s’ and a reo in one vape mail package! Yoh I will probably manigel if that ever happened to me! Congrats on the new toys @RenaldoRheeder and as @Stosta stated please give feedback on the Mech.
Please give more feedback on this mech @RenaldoRheeder , @Halfdaft Customs mentioned that he might be doing cerakoted mods and if he goes that route I'll be forced to get one!

Feedback will take time. I have not even checked all the vapemail yet and there are so many things to do before I fly back on Saturday. It will come through in bits and bops once I am back in Nigeria

Sent by iDad's iPhone
And the next unpack - what made me fall in love with the Limelights in the first place - Thank you @SAVapeGear


Sent by iDad's iPhone
I think I have a weakspot for any Blue mod!! This Limelight and Oom Rob's SolarStorm are my official two favorite mods when it comes to looks!
Will do... After the pwasa bru haha
Ayyy lol the I don’t mind the lack of food but I’m not gonna lie, the first few days of the pwasa I felt so awkward in my car... I forgot how to drive without a vape in my hand! I looked awkward as hell
Ayyy lol the I don’t mind the lack of food but I’m not gonna lie, the first few days of the pwasa I felt so awkward in my car... I forgot how to drive without a vape in my hand! I looked awkward as hell

I suffer from thirst and severe behavioural modification disorder... It's so hard to be good!!! I'm using to going for long periods of time without food or nicotine because of the nature of my work but that jaat just wanna steek uit
I suffer from thirst and severe behavioural modification disorder... It's so hard to be good!!! I'm using to going for long periods of time without food or nicotine because of the nature of my work but that jaat just wanna steek uit
Aaaahahahahaha Dala what u must Brother! Just make sure ur future can handle such dala lol
Oh my word @RenaldoRheeder

Limelights, Reo, mechs, kodamas - your vapemail is simply awesome
Wishing you well with it
You have a lot of work to do when you get back to Nigeria - lol
Enjoy it, stunning items you got so far!
Feedback will take time. I have not even checked all the vapemail yet and there are so many things to do before I fly back on Saturday. It will come through in bits and bops once I am back in Nigeria

Sent by iDad's iPhone
Not a problem! My ears (or eyes rather) are ready when you are!

Skyline, Dvarw with extras, Skyclone Dropkit, SXK Narca, some drip tips, some BB panels and a button, Scarab RDA (SA made), Reo P67 and spares, Sola RDA, Typhon RDA and Hadeon kit


Sent by iDad's iPhone
I think I have a weakspot for any Blue mod!! This Limelight and Oom Rob's SolarStorm are my official two favorite mods when it comes to looks!

I have to agree, best looking mods I've seen! :eek: