Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

My first Dicodes mod - thank you @Khabir Tayob

Also, the first tube mod I've handled in almost 10 years! Quite a nice change from boxes and boro's tbh.

Good reason to bring out the old Kayfun 22mm's

Vape Mail Baby! Diplomat RDL RTA from Centenary Mods! All the drip tips, all the airflow pins, and all the different domes!
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Obey Robot just got stock of the Diplomat RDL RTA! Yay! Diplomat RDL number two just arrived! Vape Mail Baby!
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My Pleasure Uncle Oom!!
Hope you enjoy the new tech in that device!!
NFC! Revision G board with an audible warning when one battery runs lower or if it’s time to change batts!!even warns you when there’s a short!
Some Vape Mail today:

Kayfun X mini, Diplomat RDL RTA with Top Fill kit and the Pinhead RBA.

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The Ghost RBTA, this looks interesting.
Wicks the same as the Cabeo, no steel cables.

Also got some stuff in, but I was waiting for this.
It's the new Rift boro mod. Looks freaky man, :-D :-D

Oh I just checked, this also arrived.
The Ghost RBTA. Should look nice in the Rift.
