Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Should've posted here a while back but here's how awesome my last two weeks have been :)


First off, @Andre , thank you so much for my 'life is awesome' package :rock:

Andre piffed a little 'ol me with 2 Efest 2100mah batteries, 2 sick driptips and a RM2, which all I love.

The Rm2 is one hell of a atomizer, flavor from the first build was stellar. This is the first atty to make me put down the atomic, which I thought would never happen, I had a Nuppin to test out and even then I went for the atomic. RM2 FTW! :rock:

The 2100mah batteries are also fantastic, I prefer them to my 2500mah efests. For some reason I can swear it 'hits harder', I dont know if it has a lower internal resistance which is why Im getting a better vape over the 2500mah but I'm absolutely loving them.

I also got the bottom fed versions of the Rogue and Derringer to test out. So far I'm enjoying the Derringer far more but I think thats because of my simple single coil builds.
Last week Andre loan his Cyclone with AFC and Nuppin to me to test out aswell, I wish I had taken photos of it but the end result was that the cyclone was better for me and my vape style. Both attys had outstanding flavor but the TH department was dominated entirely by the Cyclone. If anyone wanted a smooth flavorful vape I'd recommend the Nuppin any day of the week though.


And last but not least, I ordered a Chalice III clone and a tub of contact grease from Pallas, first one that arrived had some unknown short and killed my hot spring. Luckily i had a extra spring for the Reo and I was vaping like a boss again. I contacted @kimbo about the issue to give him a heads up and the awesome man sent me a replacement the very next day. :rock: Fantastic service, Kimbo mate, thank you :)

Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend, be safe and vape on :hi:
Should've posted here a while back but here's how awesome my last two weeks have been :)


First off, @Andre , thank you so much for my 'life is awesome' package :rock:

Andre piffed a little 'ol me with 2 Efest 2100mah batteries, 2 sick driptips and a RM2, which all I love.

The Rm2 is one hell of a atomizer, flavor from the first build was stellar. This is the first atty to make me put down the atomic, which I thought would never happen, I had a Nuppin to test out and even then I went for the atomic. RM2 FTW! :rock:

The 2100mah batteries are also fantastic, I prefer them to my 2500mah efests. For some reason I can swear it 'hits harder', I dont know if it has a lower internal resistance which is why Im getting a better vape over the 2500mah but I'm absolutely loving them.

I also got the bottom fed versions of the Rogue and Derringer to test out. So far I'm enjoying the Derringer far more but I think thats because of my simple single coil builds.
Last week Andre loan his Cyclone with AFC and Nuppin to me to test out aswell, I wish I had taken photos of it but the end result was that the cyclone was better for me and my vape style. Both attys had outstanding flavor but the TH department was dominated entirely by the Cyclone. If anyone wanted a smooth flavorful vape I'd recommend the Nuppin any day of the week though.


And last but not least, I ordered a Chalice III clone and a tub of contact grease from Pallas, first one that arrived had some unknown short and killed my hot spring. Luckily i had a extra spring for the Reo and I was vaping like a boss again. I contacted @kimbo about the issue to give him a heads up and the awesome man sent me a replacement the very next day. :rock: Fantastic service, Kimbo mate, thank you :)

Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend, be safe and vape on :hi:
Only a pleasure. So good to have a mini vape meet with you from time to time.
That Chalice looks stunning on the white Reo.
This weeks vapemail/collections lol,
Big thanks to @Vapeowave for the subox kits and batteries, Vapeclub for the Voodoo JOOSE XD and Vapeking for the charger and batteries!!! PS. everything is X2 for me and my brother!!!
Happy to report I've received my first Vape Mail! 8--) Thanks to skyblue vaping for the super speedy service and the lego is an awesome touch.

Now time to try this baby out. :clap:20150626_165422.jpg 20150626_165601.jpg
Should've posted here a while back but here's how awesome my last two weeks have been :)


First off, @Andre , thank you so much for my 'life is awesome' package :rock:

Andre piffed a little 'ol me with 2 Efest 2100mah batteries, 2 sick driptips and a RM2, which all I love.

The Rm2 is one hell of a atomizer, flavor from the first build was stellar. This is the first atty to make me put down the atomic, which I thought would never happen, I had a Nuppin to test out and even then I went for the atomic. RM2 FTW! :rock:

The 2100mah batteries are also fantastic, I prefer them to my 2500mah efests. For some reason I can swear it 'hits harder', I dont know if it has a lower internal resistance which is why Im getting a better vape over the 2500mah but I'm absolutely loving them.

I also got the bottom fed versions of the Rogue and Derringer to test out. So far I'm enjoying the Derringer far more but I think thats because of my simple single coil builds.
Last week Andre loan his Cyclone with AFC and Nuppin to me to test out aswell, I wish I had taken photos of it but the end result was that the cyclone was better for me and my vape style. Both attys had outstanding flavor but the TH department was dominated entirely by the Cyclone. If anyone wanted a smooth flavorful vape I'd recommend the Nuppin any day of the week though.


And last but not least, I ordered a Chalice III clone and a tub of contact grease from Pallas, first one that arrived had some unknown short and killed my hot spring. Luckily i had a extra spring for the Reo and I was vaping like a boss again. I contacted @kimbo about the issue to give him a heads up and the awesome man sent me a replacement the very next day. :rock: Fantastic service, Kimbo mate, thank you :)

Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend, be safe and vape on :hi:

Wow @DoubleD , awesome post dude!
So glad for you that you are enjoying it
I enjoyed reading it and liked your comments. Happy vaping!

Big up to @Andre - you are a champ!
Some surprise vape Mail I wasn't expecting anytime soon, took around 2 weeks to arrive.

Worked out to R145.00 per bottle including shipping and the 10ml bottle was a gift.

Edit: just tried some of the admiral berry crunch and my goodness is it tasty

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Just got this to help with the mech box builds

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Some more vape mail from Juicy Joes

Looking forward to morning glory

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Already posted the Woodies in the REO thread but here they are again (they are so nice they deserve a repeat)....


That was not all though, Santa also brought me a rather powerful toy. It's one thing to sell a product to others but you have to believe it's good too. At the price, it's not cheap but WOW! I need to get someone to take some pics of the mod performing. It is VERY powerful. It is my very own Vicious Ant Radiant... 350W of power! I also got 2 batteries and a charger. I have a friend to thank in Zululand who helped me change the fittings so that the battery would fit the mod. So grateful to friends!

OMG 312 Watts! 

It's like owning a Ferrari... You can do 200 MPH but let's face it, that is NOT going to happen! I ramped the watts up for the picture. I was actually vaping at 48 watts!

Does anyone have experience with these? Haven't tried them yet as they just arrived, but the Wakonda and Custard's last Stand smell the same? Worried that it got labelled wrong?

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Does anyone have experience with these? Haven't tried them yet as they just arrived, but the Wakonda and Custard's last Stand smell the same? Worried that it got labelled wrong?

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They are two totally different juices. Wakonda is a dark, true coffee with a NET (naturally extracted tobacco). As you vape over a period the coffee starts going to the background and the NET to the foreground. The first few toots should give you that real ground coffee taste like your first cup in the morning. Custard's Last Stand is an exceptional vanilla custard, nothing else.

Oh, and welcome to the forum. If you feel like it, please introduce yourself at the end of this thread: http://www.ecigssa.co.za/introduce-yourselves.t24/

Does anyone have experience with these? Haven't tried them yet as they just arrived, but the Wakonda and Custard's last Stand smell the same? Worried that it got labelled wrong?

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What @Andre said. Good selection you have there.
Thanks guys. I am actually on the forum already. Tapatalk just created a new profile for me for some reason, but this is my existing account.

So should they smell the same or similar? As I smell them I get vanilla on both.

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Thanks guys. I am actually on the forum already. Tapatalk just created a new profile for me for some reason, but this is my existing account.

So should they smell the same or similar? As I smell them I get vanilla on both.

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Yip, both of those have Nicoticket's famous vanilla extract to varying degrees as far as I know.
Some more liquids from @Sir Vape

When hastily cutting open the package I accidentally chopped one of the droppers/pipettes:(

Very intrigued about the Nugget liquid, hopefully it's a winner

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Thank you @John Thompson
I paid last night at 19h30 and Mail was delivered at 12h00 today


I don't have time to wash the tank and juice it, so I slapped on the subtank till I get home


As I can't vape this tank with the RBA above 22 watts, it's burnt hits galore :-(
Need to find a solution for the RBA soon because it's not working with the juice channels drilled out.
Stuck in a stock coil and it hits like a monster. Nice warm Vape with plumes of clouds.

Only fault in the first 2 mins is a rattling button. It is a little annoying, but it's still the kit I have been looking for to use on the go, especially with my 22mm tanks.
Will see how the iJust tank performs when I get home.
Thank you @John Thompson
I paid last night at 19h30 and Mail was delivered at 12h00 today


I don't have time to wash the tank and juice it, so I slapped on the subtank till I get home


As I can't vape this tank with the RBA above 22 watts, it's burnt hits galore :-(
Need to find a solution for the RBA soon because it's not working with the juice channels drilled out.
Stuck in a stock coil and it hits like a monster. Nice warm Vape with plumes of clouds.

Only fault in the first 2 mins is a rattling button. It is a little annoying, but it's still the kit I have been looking for to use on the go, especially with my 22mm tanks.
Will see how the iJust tank performs when I get home.

@kimbo posted his subtank rba base fix, just drill some holes in the side to make it like the latest version of the rba base. I was also going to suggest spending 40 bucks and ordering a new rba head from fasttech but since last night they've sold out. :(