Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Oh yeah! My slowtech package finally arrived today! I got my hobo v2 and a marquis! Pics to follow shortly (when I've had a play around first) :D
EDIT - Thought we were talking about FT.

content removed. Looooong day....
Got five NETs (naturally extracted tobacco), mostly cigar, from houseofliquid.com to try. They only sell in 10ml bottles and unusual nic strengths - 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 mg.

Upmarket packaging - foil lined, sealed zip lock bag with booklet, refreshing wipe and adapter spout.


good one....I know 2 of their liquids: Cigarillos and Cigar de Paris. The latter is my favourite out of the 2. Reminds me actually to get it again ;)
possum (640x360).jpg

got new juices....
Possum Trot Emerald City Pie. To me like lemony cheesecake. Really, really nice! This is a juice I tasted from a mate....ordered straight away a bit more of that ;)

Aisle7....tasted it as well, to me a great alternative to Looper, which is currently sold out everywhere here.
My new hobo v2 and Marquis rda's that I got from fasttech today and then my old faithful kayfun and subtank mini...

@Riaz how long did the order take to get delivered and what option did you use for shipping?
It was shipped from them on 22/05/2015

I collected in at my post office on monday- 29/06/2015
its decent bro. running it in single coil mode think i neee to slap a dual coil in it
Nice! I got to get me one of those. How does the 510 positive pin look, is it safe for a hybrid mod?
used it on smpl with no issues. you should be safe just double check it before you throw it on a hybrid
used it on smpl with no issues. you should be safe just double check it before you throw it on a hybrid
Awesome, I think it will look quite snazzy on my steel SMPL

and with "too much flavour" it sounds like it will be perfect for me :D
Vape Mail Baby! :rock:

Fasttech envelope... Coloured Tank glass, drip tips, Taifun GT 2 tank replacement, Fasttech logo thingy and a cover for a Coupor Mini I no longer have!

Vape Mail Baby! :rock:

Fasttech envelope... Coloured Tank glass, drip tips, Taifun GT 2 tank replacement, Fasttech logo thingy and a cover for a Coupor Mini I no longer have!

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Where did you get those drip tips Uncle Rob? Also from FT? Could you give me a link plz :)
I can't find those drip tips on FT site.