Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

I think you may be onto something here. I’ve been married a long time, I’ve had demands thrown at me for years! I’m pretty sure I can turn that around and try demand something for a change!

"Try" at home first, if it doesn't work there, don't come try it here... :giggle:
A new world record for slow shipping. France to South Africa over 6 months! I thought the parcel was lost for sure but it pitched up today! So Happy Days! Skyline R has a new Bell Cap! Bazinga!
BellCap 2.jpg
I'm even scared to read that name out loud... You never know!
No worries. If a Norse warrior died in battle, he went to Valhalla. If he died peacefully in bed, Helheim. Not nearly as much fun as Valhalla, apparently - but who did they ask?
Some vape mail today. Didn't have the patience to wait for the weekend and only to have stuff sold out, so I grabbed a few items that I felt were already very well priced and discounted. Some wire from Vape Cartel (don't see them listed on the forum anymore to tag them) and some other goodies from @JurgensSt over at Inkd Vapor. A back-up charger, some cotton and some spare parts for the Nitrous RDA

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