Calling all DIY'ers

@Melinda got some cream soda from you a while back, still trying to get that to work, any suggestions?

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Nope nothing...not a flavour I played with at all, don't even know what it tastes like...what have you tried so far?
Nope nothing...not a flavour I played with at all, don't even know what it tastes like...what have you tried so far?
On its own i find it really bad, iv tried it with bav cream, vanilla swirl and another i cant remember, i just cant find a good combo for it, is the concentrate TFA?
yes it's a TFA Concentrate, and had a few guys here that stated it's the American version of Cream Soda instead of the one that we as South African's know.

I got some for a customer that asked for it specifically, and don't think it will make my cut to be a flavour I stock in bulk.

yes it's a TFA Concentrate, and had a few guys here that stated it's the American version of Cream Soda instead of the one that we as South African's know.

I got some for a customer that asked for it specifically, and don't think it will make my cut to be a flavour I stock in bulk.


I think @qball mentioned that he played with cream soda a while back
Thanks guys, @qball did you have any luck with the cream soda?

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Has anyone compared TFA custard to contenders? I'm getting a slight hint of pepperiness at higher percentages...
I prefer cap custard over the tfa custard. It tastes more like custard to me.
Haven't tried this, but maybe it's worth a shot?

Has anyone compared TFA custard to contenders? I'm getting a slight hint of pepperiness at higher percentages...

I've not won with TFA custard. It takes forever and a day to steep, which I can deal with, but if you use slightly too much, it will just leave any juice its in with a soapy vape.

I way prefer CAP for any juice where custard is the main flavour. I will only use TFA in small percentages to round off flavours.

And from what I've read, most USpremium custard juices use CAP.
There might be slight differences between them - not that we (the end users) would likely be able to detect them.
Things like "Food Grade" and "Pharmaceutical Grade" can make a price difference. That mostly just involves the raw purity of the product, but for the most part, would not be detectable in our types of use.

That said, I have to agree with @r0gue z0mbie : A seller's strategy plays the largest part towards their pricing model.
Some vendors aim for a more "exclusive" client base, selling fewer units at a larger profit margin; While other vendors prefer selling more units for a smaller profit margin.
At the end of the day, both strategies have their pros and cons, and that is where MOST price discrepancies come from.

On top of it all, the quantities bought could give low-margin sellers an even bigger leg-up with larger discounts from distributors and the like, allowing them to push their prices even lower.

There are many factors that at the end of the day make up the "sum of the price".
But as far as Nic, PG and VG goes... the quality differences will be so small that you would have a near-improssible task of telling them apart in a proper blind test.
AFAIK all vendors mentioned are selling USP or B.P. rated product which makes it pharma grade.

The pricing is rather supplier related. VM sells imported 30ml 36mg nic Packaged at souce.
SK imports 100mg nic or higher concentration and mixes down and packages locally bringing cost down.
No clue how VV does theirs.

VV sells Vegatable extracted glycerin if you worried about where your glycerin comes from. I don't care as long as its BP or USP rated its chemically the same thing just the 0.02% impurities are different. That VG term irks me in the vape world its not correct terminology as most "VG" you can get your hands on is not vegatable extracted glycerin.

So the pricing depends on where the vendor is comfortable getting product from. Imported is more expensive but maybe that vendor feels its better than localy available PG for example.

I suppose you need to make up you own mind as to where you buy from.

As to picking up differences from product to product.
SK, VV, VM and dolly varden VG all taste mostly the same to me, but alphapham which is also BP rated has a crappy after taste.
VM nic has a slight peppery taste which I actually quite like in unflavoured juice and SK's nic is a bit harsher but not peppery so a nice TH if thats what you looking for.

Happy DIY ing folks.
Thanks for that detailed response @Gazzacpt. The kind of thing I was asking, but some people got a little carried away and thought I was attacking vendors. The main reason for my question was because I have tasted Dolly Varden, Clicks, Dischem and Skyblue VG in it's pure form, and there were slight differences. (Stuck my finger in the bottle and put it in my mouth kinda taste test).

The Dolly Varden seems sweeter to me, so I need less EM or Sucralose in a mix. The Alphapharm does have a funny after taste, I agree. Dischem and Clicks brands I have only been able to find smaller quantities, so not an option for large batches really.
So, I tweaked the Green Dragon recipe a little bit, and it is amazing right now! Busy vaping my 3rd 50ml bottle of it and loving it. Running it on the Rogue and Derringer on 3mm, 22 and 24G coils. Between 0.18 and 0.3 ohm.


The dropped kiwi really make the raspberry pop, and on the last 50ml batch I ran out of raspberry, so I went 50/50 on raspberry/strawberry TFA.

Also made my own Sucralose from the Equisweet sucralose and PG. Added 10ml sucralose powder to 100ml PG. Added 3 drops per 50ml for extra sweetness.

Also planning some purple dragon, gold dragon, red dragon etc etc once I get new flavors from @drew

Tomorrow is dessert day with a few new recipes. In the planner is a strawberry/cream/waffle, an apple pie (my own version of Gollum's Apple, but I know I won't get close to the original), a banana split thingy and a cappucno-ish thingy.
Have some mango, guava and passion fruit flavors. Impulse buy from my fruit-streak. Any suggestions for recipes? Can't seem to wrap my head around any good ideas with these.
Have some mango, guava and passion fruit flavors. Impulse buy from my fruit-streak. Any suggestions for recipes? Can't seem to wrap my head around any good ideas with these.

Mango Ice
Guava Ice
Passion Fruit Ice

I'm pretty sure Mango and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream would be nice?

Tried plum and passion fruit with some vanilla cup cake. Hated the passion fruit, plum was okay. Wish there was a yoghurt base to add passion fruit to......
Mixed this up last night. Couldn't wait any more, so I tasted it now. 0.3 ohm, 3mm ID twsited 28G on a Derringer and a mech. WOW! Now I have to wrestle the bottle from my cold stiff fingers ad let it steep some more. Loving it to bits!

I give you, Viper's Strawberry Waffle :D

Mixed this up last night. Couldn't wait any more, so I tasted it now. 0.3 ohm, 3mm ID twsited 28G on a Derringer and a mech. WOW! Now I have to wrestle the bottle from my cold stiff fingers ad let it steep some more. Loving it to bits!

I give you, Viper's Strawberry Waffle :D

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@XxreaperxX you might like this one. Maybe bump up the caramel a little bit. Also saw a Suicide Bunny Madrina clone in this thread Worth a sho I think, seeing as you love the Madrina so much. Think has almost all te ingredients. Also check out and I think you could be brewing in now time bud.
Tried plum and passion fruit with some vanilla cup cake. Hated the passion fruit, plum was okay. Wish there was a yoghurt base to add passion fruit to......

Well I think FA does a yoghurt :)
Apperently yoghurt is "the new cereal". And I'll be all but too happy to vape some - I frikken love yoghurt. I never grew out of it.
Mmmm this sounds like a must thanks viper_sa will give it a go