Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

One big issue with the Ceramic Coils is that some considerable attention needs to be placed on fully soaking the coil! I haven't tried the Syringe method yet but I certainly will on my next change of juice. If I wasn't forewarned I may never have gotten it right first time and the whole caboodle may have ended up in the gorge. I battled a bit with my second coil in the Atlantis and wasn't as patient and tasted a bit of burn and stopped right away... then gave it more time to soak and then it was fine.

So be warned... soak and false suck and preferably do the Syringe method... yes it's a bit of a pain compared to a normal coil but it is so worth the initial extra effort!

PS I just ordered a second tank because that will give me 3 perfect vapes of my three top juices! :D
Yip. I was also forewarned and thus used the syringe technique. Coincidentally I also tried my Atlantis tonight. I happy to say that I now have two extra tanks in the mix again that used to sit dormant for quite some time. What I do like about the ceramic is that if you accidentally dry burn it you don't mess-up the coil like a cotton build for instance. If you want have a look at PBusardo's review see link below. The review on the tank and cCell coil starts from about 40 minutes. If you just want to see how resilient these coils are skip to 44:20.

Point is, and like @Rob Fisher said, they need to be fully soaked but you won't loose a new coil if not :).
Wonder if we will see Kangertech products like this ?
Thanks for all the feedback peeps, my interest is certainly growing on this !
I can't wait to try it on my subtank!
OK it's day 2 with ceramic coils and for some strange reason I'm getting a burnt taste from yesterday's perfect coil? I really hope and pray these coils last more than a day. Based on the reviews they will last a lot longer than that... I put 4 tanks through the coil yesterday and every single vape was perfect. Not sure what happened overnight... Maybe Baby Choo vaped some XXX during the night...

I'm soaking the coil in hot water because I hear the coil can be resurrected so that I'll test...

In the mean time I thought I would test the syringe method of preparing the coil... yes it works very well... but what a damn pain in the rear end... and it's messy... won't do that again... I will go with the bluff bluff vape method and then leave it to soak for 15-20 minutes like I did yesterday!

Currently back to a perfect vape and will take the setup to CT tomorrow along with the Trinity Tank on the Snow Wolf and of course the 2 REO Grands!
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As a matter of interest the Atlantis 8ml tank with the Ceramic Coil and Foggs Milky Way inside is doing just fine today...
Travel 002.JPG
I see Eciggies has it even cheaper...


Tank is also R500 there - but I still have an Atlantis v2 lying unused in a cupboard and just want to give this CCell thing a go as it sounds like the next holy grail of flavour...
Yep, gotta shop around, coils are about R80 at VK but once you add shipping it mounts up.
If you can get the Atlantis working with the ccell coils it would be a big win. :)
Yep, gotta shop around, coils are about R80 at VK but once you add shipping it mounts up.
If you can get the Atlantis working with the ccell coils it would be a big win. :)

Works just fine in my V1 Atlantis with extended tank! :rock:
Really interested in trying the ceramic coils. Does it burn through juice quicker than the normal kanthal coils?

The juice does go pretty quickly but that's probably why the flavour is so pure! But it uses about the same as with the Atom gClaptons in the Sub Tank.
Thanks for the feedback @Rob Fisher :)
Beats getting dry hits ;)

But I still get "dry hits" or more like a "burnt taste"... changed the coil and all is well again... I need to try find out why my one coil gave me crap... I have the Target and the Atlantis tank both going today with no issues at all.