Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

Wow thats impressive glad to hear thanks @Silver.

What process do you follow on cleaning these before adding another juice, say you had something strong in previously?

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I have no idea @CloudmanJHB
I have only been vaping the same juice in mine so far with this coil. Its my "Strawberry Ice" blend. VM Strawberry with added Menthol. So I haven't changed the flavour yet.

The only other commercial coil I use is on my little Evod - which only has one flavour in it too.

My experience with the commercial coils in my older days of vaping has been that strong flavours are quite difficult to get out. They usually vape through after a while though. And I have generally learnt to fiddle less with the coil and just continue vaping. However, what I did do when I used commercial coils was have a few devices dedicated to certain "flavour families". I.e. tobaccoes in one setup and fruity menthols in another etc. I still do that today even on the rebuildables. Lol
I'm on about my fourth tankful on the Target tank with the first ceramic coil.

It's been my first experience of ceramic coils and it has been very good
Clean pure sort of flavour - and fine vapour - seems less coarse
Lovely and smooth vaping action

My only problem is that on my fourth tankful (of the same 50/50 "Strawberry Ice" juice) I am getting a very slight burnt taste. And its intermittent. Some drags its fine and some I can perceive something slightly burnt. Its not terrible at all - just a very slight background burnt taste.

I am wondering whether I may have vaped it too far empty on the previous tank.

Anyway, I will persevere and perhaps put in a new coil. Am using the 0.9 ohm Kanthal ones.

For the record though, for the first 3 tankfuls, the flavour on this was incredibly good.
I have had this happen a couple of times, but it seems to be more about the volume of vaping, and not giving the ceramic enough time to absorb juice. If I get a burnt taste, I set the tank aside for an hour, and all good again. Also be careful of high wattages, these coils cannot cope at anything above 35 watts.
After using my finances vaporesso this week I decided to bite the bullet and get me one too... Tried to fight it but the force was strong


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After using my finances vaporesso this week I decided to bite the bullet and get me one too... Tried to fight it but the force was strong


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indeed you will need to use finances to acquire a vaporesso

Sent from Mars
Erg Damn auto correction...fiance's lol

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I got my Vaporesso tank on Friday and DAMN... I'm Impressed XXX tastes amazing in this tank .. so does my MV Banana cream AND I have had not one leak from it.

I will definitely be getting another one :)
I got my Vaporesso tank on Friday and DAMN... I'm Impressed XXX tastes amazing in this tank .. so does my MV Banana cream AND I have had not one leak from it.

I will definitely be getting another one :)

No argument there... it's a special tank... actually it is very special! It's the start of the new world order! :rock:
Glad it's not just me on some placebo effect :), some of my juices taste so different especially the dessert ones

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Glad it's not just me on some placebo effect :), some of my juices taste so different especially the dessert ones

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The only juice I don't really like on this tank is my VM4 , I get too much tobacco and not enough caramel but every other juice is outstanding maybe I need to try the VM4 again just to make sure !
New world record for a commercial coil (well maybe not a world record but certainly a new record for me)!

I have just refilled my Target Tank from Vaporesso for the 51st time with the same COIL! Unbelievable! All 51 tanks were Vapour Mountain XXX and I never get tired of being mugged by Litchi's on every inhale. Granted the tank capacity is small (the info says 3,5ml but I think it's less and must test on my next refill) but the resilience and quality of the ceramic coil is amazing!

I have a heavier juice (Foggs Milky Way) in my 2nd Target Tank and I'm on refill number 6 and it too shows no sign of flavour diminishing!
This is one amazing and revolutionary coil!
New world record for a commercial coil (well maybe not a world record but certainly a new record for me)!

I have just refilled my Target Tank from Vaporesso for the 51st time with the same COIL! Unbelievable! All 51 tanks were Vapour Mountain XXX and I never get tired of being mugged by Litchi's on every inhale. Granted the tank capacity is small (the info says 3,5ml but I think it's less and must test on my next refill) but the resilience and quality of the ceramic coil is amazing!

I have a heavier juice (Foggs Milky Way) in my 2nd Target Tank and I'm on refill number 6 and it too shows no sign of flavour diminishing!
View attachment 47662
This is one amazing and revolutionary coil!
View attachment 47663
Now you understand why I love my ceramic wicking!
That is great news! I am on tank 11 so early days glad to hear these guys have such great lifespans

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@Rob Fisher , that is astounding
51 tanks
What a bonus

When you finally retire that coil I think it needs to go in a glass display box
Ecigssa record worthy
After filling with the only juice she vapes (VM Berry Blaze) and proper priming via time and sucking lots of air, handed the Target tank to HRH to try. Her standard power setting is 5.5 W, but she soon agreed that is too low for the ceramic coil head (the 0.9 ohm Kanthal one). She settled on 14.4 W, fiddled with the air flow settings a bit and seemed satisfied. Noticed she vaped on it all evening and took it out to Cape Town this morning. I am optimistic.

Or course I took a toot or two. Flavour is really crisp and clear, but where has all the throat hit gone! Perfect for HRH, but I like some throat hit - although her juice is 6 mg, which might have played a role.
After filling with the only juice she vapes (VM Berry Blaze) and proper priming via time and sucking lots of air, handed the Target tank to HRH to try. Her standard power setting is 5.5 W, but she soon agreed that is too low for the ceramic coil head (the 0.9 ohm Kanthal one). She settled on 14.4 W, fiddled with the air flow settings a bit and seemed satisfied. Noticed she vaped on it all evening and took it out to Cape Town this morning. I am optimistic.

Or course I took a toot or two. Flavour is really crisp and clear, but where has all the throat hit gone! Perfect for HRH, but I like some throat hit - although her juice is 6 mg, which might have played a role.

That is interesting @Andre. I dont know how she gets much of a vape at 14W
Mine with the same coils only starts going at about 20W and I am settled on 25W
Perhaps that and the 6mg is playing a role

I am persevering with this tank. Have changed my coil to a new one and did loads of priming last night and let it stand overnight. The vape is good this morning. That slightly burnt taste on the previous coil is gone - thankfully.

Am going to continue and when i get a chance I intend doing a three way shootout
Target vs Subtank Mini vs Lemo1 - all with the same juice
They are all being vaped now and i have been taking notes ;-)
That is interesting @Andre. I dont know how she gets much of a vape at 14W
Mine with the same coils only starts going at about 20W and I am settled on 25W
Perhaps that and the 6mg is playing a role

I am persevering with this tank. Have changed my coil to a new one and did loads of priming last night and let it stand overnight. The vape is good this morning. That slightly burnt taste on the previous coil is gone - thankfully.

Am going to continue and when i get a chance I intend doing a three way shootout
Target vs Subtank Mini vs Lemo1 - all with the same juice
They are all being vaped now and i have been taking notes ;-)

I am eagerly awaiting your results from those three tanks as I am looking at buying another tank, but I am in two minds between another Target tank and a Kanger tank.

@Andre I must say I am also quite impressed with the fact that 14.4W can be satisfactory, like @Silver said. I played around on the 0.9 ohm coil and saw if you go to around 12W, you get nothing. Like seriously, you get an air draw. I do however go down quite a bit lower than the norm in the mornings when my 6mg juice is a bit too much on the throat and lungs, but when they wake up, I also found anything from 24W upwards works wonders. I know @Rob Fisher said he likes his vape at 30W on this tank. But this just goes to show that these ceramic beauties are quite versatile in terms of vaping experience.
I am eagerly awaiting your results from those three tanks as I am looking at buying another tank, but I am in two minds between another Target tank and a Kanger tank.

If you are patient I would recommend waiting to see how the Atom Ceramic Coils for the Subtank perform and then make a decision. I'm not patient! :p
I am eagerly awaiting your results from those three tanks as I am looking at buying another tank, but I am in two minds between another Target tank and a Kanger tank.

@Andre I must say I am also quite impressed with the fact that 14.4W can be satisfactory, like @Silver said. I played around on the 0.9 ohm coil and saw if you go to around 12W, you get nothing. Like seriously, you get an air draw. I do however go down quite a bit lower than the norm in the mornings when my 6mg juice is a bit too much on the throat and lungs, but when they wake up, I also found anything from 24W upwards works wonders. I know @Rob Fisher said he likes his vape at 30W on this tank. But this just goes to show that these ceramic beauties are quite versatile in terms of vaping experience.

Hi @Tasmotu
Thanks, I am unsure when I will get the chance to do the write up. Probably within the next week.
Still busy observing things
PS - @Tasmotu
What I can say for now is that the Target with ceramic coil is better than the non-ceramic stock coils for the Subtank Mini. My comparison is to the RBA base on the Subtank Mini with a simple kanthal coil and Rayon wick.
If you are patient I would recommend waiting to see how the Atom Ceramic Coils for the Subtank perform and then make a decision. I'm not patient! :p

That might actually be a very good idea, thanks for the tip there. That will, in the end, open up a wider range of coil possibilities and builds.

Hi @Tasmotu
Thanks, I am unsure when I will get the chance to do the write up. Probably within the next week.
Still busy observing things

That would be amazing, thanks so much!