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I keep looking at these damn Reos.

What would be the ultimate setup as a jumping off point?

Experienced Reonauts, if you could avoid all past mistakes, if there were any, where would you start if you knew everything back then that you did now?

p.s. please excuse the ridiculous thread title :p
I keep looking at these damn Reos.

What would be the ultimate setup as a jumping off point?

Experienced Reonauts, if you could avoid all past mistakes, if there were any, where would you start if you knew everything back then that you did now?

p.s. please excuse the ridiculous thread title :p
I like the reodiculous thread title :p
I spent a lot of cash on bf attys and the non 22 mm ones look amazing but performance on them in 15 times better.
This is the new prototype. I think it's epic. Even though I don't use my Reo anymore, I still think they are brilliant devices. I'm just a dual battery kind of guy :)
I see a few woodvil in the classifieds, what's the difference between the models, and any difference between the wood & "regular" versions?

I see @Rob Fisher is selling a couple including the cyclone - good "starter kit" ?
keep an eye on the classifieds, REO's pop up there for cheap some times. if you like mouth to lung Cyclone,RM2 and hornet to name a few are all good. the atty will depend on your vape style and coiling needs. with the smaller atties the build space is small so keep that in mind if you like building big.
keep an eye on the classifieds, REO's pop up there for cheap some times. if you like mouth to lung Cyclone,RM2 and hornet to name a few are all good. the atty will depend on your vape style and coiling needs. with the smaller atties the build space is small so keep that in mind if you like building big.

That's the kind of info I'm after, thanks!

Right now I'm pretty much exclusively dripping with a regulated mod so used to lots of airflow and straight lung hits.

I'm mainly after flavour though so that would trump anything else for me, but I'd also like the Reo to be compatible with other BF atties, which as far as I know means I'm looking for an LP?
Yup, LP=Low Profile. Or a Woodie, they will sit flush. SL = Super Light. Grand = 18650, Mini =18500
have a look at your favorite dripping atty and see if it can be drilled out to work for bottom feeding. super low builds don't work on the REO
have a look at your favorite dripping atty and see if it can be drilled out to work for bottom feeding. super low builds don't work on the REO

My standard builds are around 0.25 - 0.6 so should be good?

I read something about a sub-ohm kit, is that standard now or still an addon?
REO Grand aluminium LP for sure. For flavour and mouth to lung a Cyclone or Divo or Hornet. If you want clouds and a lung hit then the Stumpy.

I have a Thump on it's way which I believe is even better than the Stumpy. Will know next week when it arrives.

Sub Ohm kits are standard these days.
New Reo-s are all sub-ohm. I build down to 0.2 without issues
Thanks all ;-)

I'll keep a lookout for the grand LP then, although I must say the woodvil is a beaut as far as aesthetics go.
Just by the looks of the photo's it seems to me that 22mm attys will have a slight over-hang on the rear of the Woodville?
Performance wise, is there much difference between 18650 models, ie woodvil & grand?

Any other benefits/differences between the 2? I assume the aluminium is a lot more rugged and easy to clean?
Thanks all ;-)

I'll keep a lookout for the grand LP then, although I must say the woodvil is a beaut as far as aesthetics go.

No question the Woodvil's are beautiful... but if you are only gonna get one REO then you want one that is bullet proof and doesn't mind getting dropped and doesn't mind going into a basin of hot soapy water to get cleaned...

Just saw your message now and yes the difference is the cleaning and ruggedness!

Both vape very similar!
No question the Woodvil's are beautiful... but if you are only gonna get one REO then you want one that is bullet proof and doesn't mind getting dropped and doesn't mind going into a basin of hot soapy water to get cleaned...

Just saw your message now and yes the difference is the cleaning and ruggedness!

Both vape very similar!

Great thanks Rob, feel a bit more edumacated now ;-)

Now to track one down :p

Edit: the atomisers you mentioned, any available locally, or all imports?