ECIGSSA Comp 10 - Share Your Favourite Tip! (The E-Cig Inn, Boost, X-Hype Liquid Co.)

Buy a box of alcohol prep pads at your pharmacy. Keeps drip tips clean and hygienic. Gets rid of all residues in new atomizers. Cleans anything. Small and thin enough to carry a few with you in your purse, man bag, hand bag, etcetera. Of course, can also be used for what it was intended for - first aid.

My tip for everyone out there is to avoid hyping of all sorts. Follow styles of hardware that you know works for you, and stick with that route of vaping. No amount of fanboys on facebook will ensure that you enjoy what you bought, and it quickly becomes a bottomless pit you throw your money into.

As far as e-liquid goes, speak to people you know in person for recommendations on what is good and what is kak. (I generally avoid massively discounted e-liquid on sales, they are on sale because they are not moving off the shelves, so generally they either suck, or they have faded and now need to be shifted quickly)
While thats true, I find many people buy 100ml for the value but end up with 100ml of something they cant vape.

I wouldn't do that. If it's a juice that I haven't tried yet, and it is available in 30ml, then that's what I'd go for. If I really like it then next time I'd order a big bottle
Instead of buying when u get ur pay cheque, try to save ur vape budget for specials. Most vendors have specials mid month.

@Faiyaz Cheulkar The specials are my downfall!! If I could walk in to a vape shop and buy just that one bottle that I want, it would be fine. However, I buy everything online. I'm in an outlying area so I have to pay extra for delivery anyway, so I think, well, I may as well get value for my money as far as delivery costs are concerned - and I end up buying a few bottles of other juice, even if it's not on special. But of course I saved maybe R30 or R50 on the special, so I did save, didn't I? Didn't I? Huh! Who am I kidding!
@Faiyaz Cheulkar The specials are my downfall!! If I could walk in to a vape shop and buy just that one bottle that I want, it would be fine. However, I buy everything online. I'm in an outlying area so I have to pay extra for delivery anyway, so I think, well, I may as well get value for my money as far as delivery costs are concerned - and I end up buying a few bottles of other juice, even if it's not on special. But of course I saved maybe R30 or R50 on the special, so I did save, didn't I? Didn't I? Huh! Who am I kidding!
For me it comes to the same amount be it online or physically going to the shop because most vendors charge 65 -75 for delivery and the fuel cost of the trip to the nearest vape shop is always around 50.
The reason I said to wait for specials is because of the specials I missed over the couple of months, eg the Athena deal on vape cartel, or the special on TFM flavours on their website.
For me it comes to the same amount be it online or physically going to the shop because most vendors charge 65 -75 for delivery and the fuel cost of the trip to the nearest vape shop is always around 50.
The reason I said to wait for specials is because of the specials I missed over the couple of months, eg the Athena deal on vape cartel, or the special on TFM flavours on their website.

Yes, you're quite right about the fuel cost - and the time and inconvenience of going to a shop.
My tip for everyday life would definitely have to be - "Don't fart when you've got diarrhea"

And on the vaping front use hairbands to keep the wire on your spools from unwinding. You can leave the band on and the wire easily unwraps from under it, even when wrapping claptons.

And @Rob Fisher you can even get one to match your pink Mod ;-)
Regarding mech mods and arc issues :

If you dont have a dielectric grease for your contacts, Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) works like a champ to get rid of those annoying arcs ;)
1. Always look to purchase the best batteries you can and get them at reputable vendors only! Don't try to save R20 or whatever and get your batteries from a random person/store.

2. When wicking your RDA, you don't need to stuff the deck with cotton.

3. Always tighten down your coil leads, dry fire and then tighten again.

4. The best mod is the mod you have with you.
1. Always look to purchase the best batteries you can and get them at reputable vendors only! Don't try to save R20 or whatever and get your batteries from a random person/store.

2. When wicking your RDA, you don't need to stuff the deck with cotton.

3. Always tighten down your coil leads, dry fire and then tighten again.

4. The best mod is the mod you have with you.

Just have to add my full agreement on all points.
Buy/use whichever mod/juice is right for YOU. It's your comfort-zone that matters. (applies to everything in life!!)

If a salesperson or anyone else is trying to bully you into buying something that you don't want, don't get into a discussion/argument, because whatever you say, they'll have a comeback. You're wasting your breath. Stand your ground quietly and firmly.

This is what I do:

Salesperson: blah blah blah
Me: That's not what I want.
Salesperson: blah blah blah
Me: That's not what I want.
Salesperson: blah blah blah
Me: That's not what I want.

The salesperson has no leverage to argue against you and he/she will soon get tired of your repeated, "That's not what I want" :rofl:
Another tip

(Especially for newer vapers)

Spend a lot of time trying out different juices to see what flavours you like. Try out samples, go to a shop and ask to try various flavours, try out your friends' flavours.

Dont be scared to try flavours you think you wont like. Vaping is different to food. You might get a nice surprise.

All it takes is to find two or three juices you absolutely love and then its plain sailing from there
Another tip

(Especially for newer vapers)

Spend a lot of time trying out different juices to see what flavours you like. Try out samples, go to a shop and ask to try various flavours, try out your friends' flavours.

Dont be scared to try flavours you think you wont like. Vaping is different to food. You might get a nice surprise.

All it takes is to find two or three juices you absolutely love and then its plain sailing from there

@Silver I agree that vaping is different from food and it can also work in the opposite way e.g. I love pumpkin, but I hate pumpkin juice.
My tip for everyday life would definitely have to be - "Don't fart when you've got diarrhea"

And on the vaping front use hairbands to keep the wire on your spools from unwinding. You can leave the band on and the wire easily unwraps from under it, even when wrapping claptons.
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And @Rob Fisher you can even get one to match your pink Mod ;-)
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Oi vey! That's where my hairbands have been disappearing to. Lol.
I really thought this thread would be a culmination of stuff I had read elsewhere on the forum already, but there are so many things I've never heard of before. Keep up the good work guys!

Another tip

(Especially for newer vapers)

Spend a lot of time trying out different juices to see what flavours you like. Try out samples, go to a shop and ask to try various flavours, try out your friends' flavours.

Dont be scared to try flavours you think you wont like. Vaping is different to food. You might get a nice surprise.

All it takes is to find two or three juices you absolutely love and then its plain sailing from there

What @Silver said, and maybe like I do, might be stupid BUT when looking for a new flavour
I take a bottle of cold water with and have a sip after every taste
It works for me