ESG Skyline RTA

@Rob Fisher , that cabinet is looking like a vape shop
@TheV asked me in the pitstop thread about my wicking technique for the Skyline

Will answer it here so we keep it in the Skyline thread

@TheV - my wicking is nothing special. Pretty normal
I was using Royal Wick for the first time.
My coil is 2.4mm in ID so i just eyeballed how much cotton to use and then tried to get it so that its not too tight but not too loose. Snug. I pull it through and then when it feels like the right thickness i pull it the other way fractionally just to "plump" up the other side.

Cut the wicks at the outer diameter of the base

Then a bit of fluffing - a quick light blow
Then i just use my small screwdriver to position the wick ends in the spaces in front of the juice channels.
Seems like 2.4mm id leads to just the right amount of cotton - ie its not stuffed in there. But not too spacious either.

Then i juice it up a bit and then just check for no bridging on the airflow deck

And thats that.

Nothing special really

I find the Skyline quite easy to wick - havent had a problem with it.

Hope that helps
Thanks for the feedback @Silver.

My first wicking attempt of the morning was very similar to the process you described but the flavor quickly dropped off and leaned towards dry hitting.

I had to rewick and I ended up combing, cutting, trimming and shortening the wick a lot on the 2nd attempt.
So far the vape has been great and I've not had any leaking (which is what I was worried about).
Thanks for the feedback @Silver.

My first wicking attempt of the morning was very similar to the process you described but the flavor quickly dropped off and leaned towards dry hitting.

I had to rewick and I ended up combing, cutting, trimming and shortening the wick a lot on the 2nd attempt.
So far the vape has been great and I've not had any leaking (which is what I was worried about).

I suppose if you have too much wick in those channels and its stuffed in then the juice wont easily get up to the coil hence the dry hits. Not sure but it has been quite forgiving to me. Then again i am vaping at lowish power - around 15W so i dont think i need much wicking anyway. Even though im using the biggest airdisk with both airslots wide open, its still quite restricted and my coil is a 0.7 ohm simple single

Are you using that vandy vape clapton wire? What power?
I suppose if you have too much wick in those channels and its stuffed in then the juice wont easily get up to the coil hence the dry hits. Not sure but it has been quite forgiving to me. Then again i am vaping at lowish power - around 15W so i dont think i need much wicking anyway. Even though im using the biggest airdisk with both airslots wide open, its still quite restricted and my coil is a 0.7 ohm simple single

Are you using that vandy vape clapton wire? What power?
Indeed, I'm using the VandyVape Superfine MTL Fused Clapton wire.
8 wraps 2.5mm 0.95ohm @ 20W
I have the largest airdisk installed but only 1 airslot fully open.

I initially intentionally overwicked because I had to compensate for the stuck JFC. Now that I've managed to get it working again I need to readjust the wicking. Seems less is definitely more for the Skyline.
Indeed, I'm using the VandyVape Superfine MTL Fused Clapton wire.
8 wraps 2.5mm 0.95ohm @ 20W
I have the largest airdisk installed but only 1 airslot fully open.

I initially intentionally overwicked because I had to compensate for the stuck JFC. Now that I've managed to get it working again I need to readjust the wicking. Seems less is definitely more for the Skyline.
Less cotton.
When you think it's not enough cotton then it's still too much :D

I move the cotton so only half the juice hole is covered with cotton and the other half open.

Just be mindful that in such a small chamber there is going to be dry hits if the wick isn't wicking fast enough and there is high heat.
With a 0.9 ohm coil I would probably be at 13W.

Currently I have a 3mm ID tri core alien in my skyline that's at 0.2 ohms and I'm running it at 22W.
Less cotton.
When you think it's not enough cotton then it's still too much :D

I move the cotton so only half the juice hole is covered with cotton and the other half open.

Just be mindful that in such a small chamber there is going to be dry hits if the wick isn't wicking fast enough and there is high heat.
With a 0.9 ohm coil I would probably be at 13W.

Currently I have a 3mm ID tri core alien in my skyline that's at 0.2 ohms and I'm running it at 22W.
Thanks for the tips @Christos. I shall drop the power down a bit and see where that gets me although with the rewick she has been keeping up with my vaping at 20W ... never hurts to experiment a bit though.
Thanks for the tips @Christos. I shall drop the power down a bit and see where that gets me although with the rewick she has been keeping up with my vaping at 20W ... never hurts to experiment a bit though.

I would show you a rewick but I'm currently running gringo in the skyline and I'm not due for a rewick anytime soon!

I would show you a rewick but I'm currently running gringo in the skyline and I'm not due for a rewick anytime soon!
No worries man, enjoy the Gringo ... what a fantastic vape!
I've been vaping it in the BB all week. It is great.

When you do get around to a rewick and you don't mind sharing some pics, that would be great. Absolutely no rush :)
No worries man, enjoy the Gringo ... what a fantastic vape!
I've been vaping it in the BB all week. It is great.

When you do get around to a rewick and you don't mind sharing some pics, that would be great. Absolutely no rush :)
I will consider your request but currently lying on the couch with no intention of doing anything besides possibly falling asleep...

You know you are as adult when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up still on the couch. :D
I will consider your request but currently lying on the couch with no intention of doing anything besides possibly falling asleep...

You know you are as adult when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up still on the couch. :D
Haha, I definitely didn't mean tonight. Anytime in the next couple of weeks would be great :p

A lazy couch-bound Saturday does not sound like a bad time. Who needs a bed when the couch is comfy!
I have been wicking and coiling the Skyline for a while now and for me the perfection is a 2.5mm Fused Clapton and then the Royal Wick tight in the coil and then trim the tails bowtie style... so the tails of the coil are pretty thin and placed into the channels loosely. Perfection and I get probably 10-15 refills before I rewick...
Bowtie like @Rob Fisher - a thin layer of wick against the juice holes, but covering completely, and no excess wick on the base. Check for bridging ala @Silver
Less is more here.

I've been wicking this tank for a while but sometimes miss. This advice just simplified the method needed. Perfect advice, thanks.

Thanks @Rob Fisher
I will say that the Skyline has not given me any trouble in the wicking department

Video was cool
I like how he shows wicking for various cotton types
Noticed that in his "bowtie trimming" he cuts a bit from either side instead of a third just from one side.

Also liked his "side trick" where he puts the cotton end to one side then moves it into position. I sometimes struggle to get it in with the ends pointing downward.
Attention Skyliners! ESG will start with the release of the Skydrop Kit Wednesday 20-12-2017 at 15:00 greek time.