ESG Skyline RTA

Looks good, thanks @Rob Fisher
Looking forward to hearing more about it
Thanks @Rob Fisher. Lovely message from ESG!

Wishing everyone well over the festive season!

My Skyline has delivered me nothing but exceptionally crystal clear flavour this year!

Thanks @Rob Fisher. Lovely message from ESG!

Wishing everyone well over the festive season!

My Skyline has delivered me nothing but exceptionally crystal clear flavour this year!

Is this a good time to make a joke about Christmas is coming so don't take too long? (Choosing a BB colour) :D
Lol @Christos
I am guilty as charged
Have taken way too long

Maybe by Xmas 2019 ;-)
That looks awesome. Has the xxx flavour profile change with skydrop kit or is it the same.

It's only been a few minutes but the flavour is slightly better... which is what I expected. So damn beautiful!
Perhaps it's in my head but I'm getting slightly better flavour and better wicking and the airflow is super smooth!
The skydrop is definitely a chicken dinner. Just when I though it couldn't get better...
Perhaps it's in my head but I'm getting slightly better flavour and better wicking and the airflow is super smooth!
The skydrop is definitely a chicken dinner. Just when I though it couldn't get better...

100% on both accounts @Christos! :b1:
Ooh, this is exciting
I must say I am very happy with the normal Skyline. The flavour is very good for my fruity menthols.
My only drawback with it is the relatively small juice capacity

Just worried about the reduced juice capacity on the Skydrop.
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Ooh, this is exciting
I must say I am bery happy with the normal Skyline. The flavour is very good for my fruity menthols.
My only drawback with it is the relatively small juice capacity

Just worried about the reduced juice capacity on the Skydrop.
The JFC is silky smooth and soft and the top fill is even easier.
I find filling the skydrop a pleasure!
OK have had a few hours with the Sky Drop and it certainly makes a difference... you have to dial down the wattage because everything is exaggerated. Warmth and flavour. The airflow is nice and smooth and moving down 5 watts from 28 to 23 is what I felt was necessary. I do wish the drip tip was a little taller and a big negative for me is not being able to use my eight million drip tips because the juice flow control and drip tip are all in one.

It's a more gentle and more refined vape if that makes any sense....

The JFC (Juice Flow Control) is very smooth and filling it is similar to the normal set up in that you need to close down the JFC take off the ring and drip tip and then fill and then open the JFC again. And yes you need to fill more often because of the reduced capacity.

If the Monkeys came and stole both my Skydrops would I buy them again? I sure would!
Skydrop 014.JPG
Thanks for the feedback @Rob Fisher
That was informative amd helpful
You guys make it so difficult :eek:
Thanks for the feedback @Rob Fisher
That was informative amd helpful
You guys make it so difficult :eek:
I had no intention of buying the skydrop on release date but I'm so glad I did.
Best aftermarket purchase of 2017.

It really adresses most of the concerns people had with the normal skyline but still manages to add improvements on an already fantastic tank.

I stand by what I have said before that the skyline is the benchmark and I believe it is up there if not slightly better than the best flavour rdas that I own and i do own a few of the best flavour rdas available to mankind at this stage.
I had no intention of buying the skydrop on release date but I'm so glad I did.
Best aftermarket purchase of 2017.

It really adresses most of the concerns people had with the normal skyline but still manages to add improvements on an already fantastic tank.

I stand by what I have said before that the skyline is the benchmark and I believe it is up there if not slightly better than the best flavour rdas that I own and i do own a few of the best flavour rdas available to mankind at this stage.

@Christos - i would love to hear more about your thoughts on some of those RDAs
Perhaps if I make you another thread ;-) :rolleyes:
(Will help me with my journey at this stage)