Forum Medals

Congrats @WernerK !
Thanks for your dedication and contributions!
Nice avatar
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls (over the age of 18)!

I have a very special announcement to make! For his contributions to this forum, and the awesome manner in which he presents himself, it is my honour to announce the newest member to wear the Dedicated Member Medal! If you could all please join me in congratulating him on his achievement. A drum-roll please!





@Quakes !!!!!!!!

:claps: :clap2: :ciappa: :band: :banana: :clapclap::number_one:

Thank you so much for being part of our family, you rock guy!!!

Congrats on the medal @Quakes !
Thanks for your contributions and dedication
Thank you very much @Stosta and everybody else. What a way to start a rainy Monday. It's a great honour being part of this amazing community!

I really appreciate everything that this forum and all its members has done for me, I have learned so much and will continue to learn. I will continue to be dedicated to this forum and provide assistance and help where ever possible.

I will wear this medal with pride!!

Thank you all and hope you all have a wonderfull Monday!!!!

Congrats @Quakes !
Very well deserved bit of bling there. Thanks for the dedication and keep up the good work !
ECIGSSA is made special by it's members that selflessly contributes some of their time to assist, support and entertain others.
For those actively involved in making our visits special, a small token of thanks is reserved:
Dedicated Member screenshot.png

Not only has our next medalist proved himself a worthy recipient, he is also an 'International Man of Mystery', deserving a double bill rating:

Ladies and Gents, please put your hands together for : @The_Ice!

Thanks for your dedication @The_Ice . Your contributions are appreciated !