Forum Medals

Well done @Akash and @Scouse45 with those Medals!! some real bragging rights!
Good job and Keep it up, its you guys that make this forum great!!
Nice one @Scouse45 , i wanna say congratulations but im finding it real hard with that profile pic :-D

Well deserved bud. And.... Heres a new profile pic for you :-D

With my net running so badly I have to be super selectively on what pages I want to open and wait 25 min to load, so I haven't been in here for a looooooong time, but well done on all the medals guys, glad to see so many new people continuing to add value to the forum and community.

Congratulations on all the receivers of medals. You have all deserved it! Keep on keeping this forum and community the best online gathering of like-minded people.
Quite fitting that the last post here is @Anneries congratulating fellow members on their shinies:
It gives me great pleasure to announce the newest recipient of the ECIGSSA Dedicated Member medal is in fact, @Anneries himself.

Thanks for all your contributions @Anneries ! You can definitely side yourself with all the other members that keeps ECIGSSA such an interesting space to visit. This one's for you :
Dedicated Member screenshot.png
Congrats on the medal @Anneries - well deserved
Thanks for all your contributions and dedication!
Thank you all! Wow, what a surprise when I saw this medal this morning. I will do my best to live up to the responsibilities that comes with it!
I must say, being part of such an active forum makes it a lot easier to contribute.