Forum Medals

Thanks to the forum and the members. It is an absolute stunning community of guys and gals that share one common hobby - vaping and getting rid of the analogs. I am a firm believer of knowledge is absolute power and what i have learnt from here i will more than double give back to the community.
Congrats @antonherbst
Love your posts!
Thanks for all the contributions and the dedication
Way overdue, but what a good way to get this thread active again.

ECIGSSA always reserves a special pressie for those forumites that actively participates and love to entertain just as much as the other regulars love to be entertained :
Dedicated Member screenshot.png

It's a pleasure to say that the latest recipient of the dedicated Member medal is very active, an avid vaper, an 'out-of-town' VapeCon survivor, and from his regular forum feedback, also a DIY nut.

Congrats @Max !
Very well deserved, and thanks for all your regular contributions and tidbits.
@Kuhlkatz - so my alerts were a lot more than usual when I went on to the Forum just now and :aplastao::aplastao::aplastao: saw what they were all about - seriously - A Sincere Thank You for those kind and very accurate words spoken - This is so cool - so I have a bit of Bling now :aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa:

The 11th of Sept was a year since the smoking was bombed - and being part of this Forum has truly given me the sense of belonging to an Awesome Structure of People and Friends that have truly helped me along my vaping journey.

Thank You @Quakes @antonherbst @BioHAZarD @ddk1979 @TheV @Andre @Stosta @Vapessa @Silver @KZOR @Rob Fisher