Forum Medals

@Alex,thanks so much for the Noob Friendly medal.Helping one another is what this forum is all about, it's what we all do.I share this medal with all my forum friends.
Your medal collection is almost as big as your vape collection already :D

Congrats on the new bling :party:
@Alex,thanks so much for the Noob Friendly medal.Helping one another is what this forum is all about, it's what we all do.I share this medal with all my forum friends.
Great stuff our international friend. Time you visit our great country!
Big congrats to @Andre, @Dubz and @kev mac on the Noob Friendly Medal

I just want to highlight that this is a very special medal. Here is the description:

This medal is awarded to the member that is always there to help the newbies out. Always answering questions and lending a helping hand or giving a word of encouragement. This member knows what it feels like to start out. A special member indeed.

Members like these make the forum a special place. Thanks for all your help and encouragement guys!
Big congrats to @Andre, @Dubz and @kev mac on the Noob Friendly Medal

I just want to highlight that this is a very special medal. Here is the description:

This medal is awarded to the member that is always there to help the newbies out. Always answering questions and lending a helping hand or giving a word of encouragement. This member knows what it feels like to start out. A special member indeed.

Members like these make the forum a special place. Thanks for all your help and encouragement guys!
No, I thank you.