Forum Medals

@Alex @Neal @Cespian @Kuhlkatz @Dubz @Stosta
Thanks alot guys for the bling. Very much appreciated but I have to say I'm only on the forum so much because of all the awesome vapers always ready to help another fellow vaper out with info.
And too all the mods on the forum yous guys rock for running such a awesome site.... Big up too yous...
Vape on...
Thanks alot guys for the bling. Very much appreciated but I have to say I'm only on the forum so much because of all the awesome vapers always ready to help another fellow vaper out with info.

Not my original words, as someone else said it before : No. Thank YOU all.
It's not just 'being on the forum' so much - we are all 'guilty' of that ;) . It's more to do with 'interacting' on the forum and giving an opinion, feedback or assistance. Even if you think you don't contribute 'top-notch' advice yourself, others appreciate the friendly interaction or the fact that you just voice things based on your own experience, or just give them a simple note of encouragement.

This may predominantly be a Vaping Forum, but even contributions in the Off-Topic section has a staunch following. The way people interact on here is much more natural and chilled than anywhere else I have seen, which is what makes this place and it's members unique.
On top of this all, Vape Meets allows you to meet members and interact socially, put faces to names, and in my opinion this tends to create less 'keyboard warriors'.
Congrats on your medal @Ezekiel - thank you for all your amazing contributions - they have been most informative and just so interesting. Well deserved medal indeed
And a big congrats to the new dedicated member medal awardees @Clouds4Days, @jguile415, @Nightwalker, @theyettie and @OreO

As @Kuhlkatz summed up, its not just the quantity but the quality of interaction which makes this such a special place.

Since ECIGSSA I have spent far less time on other platforms (facebook etc) and Admin duties aside, if I am not able to be on here for a day I start feeling withdrawal symptoms big time - similar to not vaping. Lol.

The dedicated members on this forum are the true rock stars of this place and make it what it is. Thanks for all your friendly and helpful conributions guys.
Thanks guys, it's a privilege to be part of this forum and a great honour to receive this medal. This forum is the personification of what the vaping community is all about. May this never change. Wish I could attend the vape meet on 5 March, but my son (4years old) will be trying his hand at athletics and I am the boerewors braaier for the day. Hopefully I am able to attend the next one, would love to meet the guys behind the avatars.
Thanks guys, it's a privilege to be part of this forum and a great honour to receive this medal. This forum is the personification of what the vaping community is all about. May this never change. Wish I could attend the vape meet on 5 March, but my son (4years old) will be trying his hand at athletics and I am the boerewors braaier for the day. Hopefully I am able to attend the next one, would love to meet the guys behind the avatars.

And it's a pleasure having you here @theyettie, just make sure not to burn the wors, cause we would definitely miss you
Huge congrats to @Vapington ! The coveted Dedicated Member medal has been awarded for his dedication to this community. :party::party:
Dedicated Member screenshot.png

Disclaimer: No juice has changed hands for this award, he did it all by himself ;)
It feels like you got cheated if no juice changed hands.

LOL, how much did you have to pay for yours ? :D

Seriously, if it was not for the dedication of the ECIGSSA members to help one another in any form they can, this would not have been the super community I get to experience every day. Hats off to all of you!
Congratulations to all the members that received a medal - it's you that makes this place great! :D