Forum Medals

Congrats to @brotiform on being awarded the Dedicated Member Medal
Thanks for your contributions and dedication!

Congrats to @brotiform :party::party::party:

This community rocks!!!

@brotiform congrats on the new silver shiny shiny.

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Congrats @brotiform, well done mate.

:jump:@brotiform :jump:

Congratulations @brotiform

Way to go @brotiform ! Wear it proudly! Thanks for your contributions so far!

Thank you all kindly , I appreciate it :)
Today is a special medal day

I would like to congratulate the following four members on their award of the International Vaper medal.

@Neal from swaziland
@Spydro and @JC Okie from the USA
@Papa_Lazarou from Canada

Thank you for supporting this forum from abroad and for your valuable and insightful contributions
You guys and gal add lots of colour here and a different perspective.
You are always welcome!
Today is a special medal day

I would like to congratulate the following four members on their award of the International Vaper medal.

@Neal from swaziland
@Spydro and @JC Okie from the USA
@Papa_Lazarou from Canada

Thank you for supporting this forum from abroad and for your valuable and insightful contributions
You guys and gal add lots of colour here and a different perspective.
You are always welcome!

Congrats @Neal , @Spydro and @Papa_Lazarou :)

@Silver , how are Medals awarded? #noob I mean , I know there are different criteria , but is it an automatic notification to mods once a user reaches that point?
And a big congrats to our fella's from across the pond @Papa_Lazarou and @Spydro. Also a big shout out to our land locked neighbour @Neal.
I get how the 'mericans got their medals so with Shaq being so close and all but how in the hell did @Neal get it right?!?
Thank you Admin, Mods and all the members here for making this feel like home.
It's been a great experience in every way possible.
Congrats to all the 'international' contributors as well.
@Spydro, @JC Okie and @Papa_Lazarou, It's always interesting and entertaining to hear your thoughts and takes on juices and DIY, see your mods AND your pics of 'that side of the ocean'. The biggest question is probably 'Does @Spydro actually sleep ?'
Not forgetting @Neal ... Congrats to you too neighbour, and thanks for contributing.
Will you be able to make VapeCon or one of the Jo'burg meets ? I'm sure there are quite a few members here that would like to put a face to the name...