How long?

Buan Stanley

Experienced Vaper
Just wanna know how long it took everyone to put regular cigarettes down?

I've gone from 2 - 3 packs a day to about 5 smokes. I only smoke when I really have the craving or just put them down and fight the craving?

Really wanna stop help needed?

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I stopped smoking cigarettes within 3 days... What level nicotine are you vaping? Maybe if you start using a better device your cravings will go away...
I was under pressure (a LOT of pressure) from my wife and I stopped stinkies completely a day or two after getting my double Twisp pack... but everyone is different and all you need to do is move at your own pace... with a little bit of will and finding the right juices stopping will be a lot easier than you think. Mindset is important.

One thing is for sure... giving up is a lot easier with eciggies... I am nearly 2 year stinky free after being a 60 a day smoker for a very long time!
I currently use between 12 and 18 mg nic

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It sounds like you have made quite the achievement already.
For me, what helped me get over the stinkies was getting the right device for my vaping need and a juice that will satisfy me.
The vv spinners and starter kits did nothing for me in terms of getting me to smoke less.
I suggest you figure out what style of vaping you need in order to satisfy ur crave.
Do you need a throat hit?
Do you just want good flavour?
Do you need high nicotine ?

Once you figure out what you vaping style is things will get easier.
I stopped the stinkies the day i bought my ecig.

A couple of weeks later i had cravings, pulled a skyf and nearly vomitted.

I knew at that point that im done with stinkies.
Thank you this is helpful flavour is not that important. I am now doing lung hits with my twisp ( for what that's worth) and chew nicorette gum when I can't vape.

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@Buan Stanley I read the book Allan Carr's - Easy way to stop smoking. Its a very short read and is quite interesting. I went from smoking 40 cigarettes a day to 0 within a week. That was 4 years ago and I haven't touched a stinkie again :) PM me and I'll email the book to you
I quit the ciggies within a couple days of receiving my e-cig. It was a junky ego and wasn't easy but I was determined, the only other option was cold turkey and for the safety of friends and family I wasn't going to try that again :--P. A breakthrough for me was skipping my wake up ciggie, my cravings were far less intense without it.

Keep it up, fight the cravings and in no time smoking will be a distant memory.
25 or so cigarettes a day to 0 in 24 hours. Started on 12mg, down to 3mg exclusively 5months down the line, but I drip most of the day.
I left my smokes in the car (made sure they were not to close by), a few time I decided this is it I am going to light one. While walking to my car I would vape like a steam engine and every time when I reached the car I didn't feel like smoking anymore. After more than a year the smokes is still in my car there is something psychological to know that they are still there if I need them
That's what I'm doing today didn't bring my smokes into the office

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Bought a flea market special, the next day a china mall special. I found this forum and bought my first RBA and Mod used here.
Fetched it the evening coiled it up (about 2 hours :rofl: )
started the following morning and never looked back.
I did have a major problem on the cheap junk but refused to give up on finding a vaping device.
My son on the other hand still smokes and vapes so each to his own at his own pace.
My journey: I smoked average 30 a day for 20 years. I started out with a lot of funny e-cig devices, mainly the twisp range, because of their quality, but it didn't help me to quit. Then I bought a clearo, it helped a bit, definitely a better vape, but not what I was expecting. Then I started to fiddle around with different liquids, and bingo, I hit jackpot. I got the perfect vape. Shortly after that I upgraded to the Aero, and wow a whole different world opened for me. I vape 12 mg nicotine to still get that nicotine rush if I may call it so, but what I learned is to get yourself decent equipment and a good e-liquid. Just search on the forum for your specific like in a vapor, and I promise you,you will be guided.

Enjoy your journey.

5 Weeks without a cigarette, and definitely not missing it.
30 a day..for 31 years
2 months ago switched to twisp equivalent and struggled analog urge was really gripping me but persisted
Battled like this for 2 weeks..this ecigg somehow just didn't seem to be the equivalent of the analog no matter how hard I sucked and how many times I sucked. I literally became a ecigg chain smoker. If I compared the equivalent amount of vaporing time smoking analog it would equate to smoking like 60 a day.
I then bumped into a guy vaporing on a tank and that changed me for ever.
I bought a istick40w with temperature control 3 weeks ago and have never looked back.
I don't want to knock products but I found there is a huge difference between vaporing on the twisp type devices versus the bigger devices.
Switching to the bigger devices has killed analogs for good. Best investment I made.
One other tip that could help you helped me to..
I was told that the best way to do this is to stay off the flavored juices in the beginning.
Try and simulate a analog taste as much as possible. I used drops that tasted dam close to the brand I smoked in analog.
This helped lot for me because I immediately vapored less and stopped chain vaporing. It was like the analog in taste I was used to..

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think of it as upgrading and not so much stopping. with the correct juice and gear its an easy upgrade. the support from family and friends goes a long way. going down to 5 smokes a day is a good start, keep it up.
Interesting read. Bought my Twisp with about three analogues left . So I vaped for two days then I decided to have a nice Marlboro Gold Beyond. Got back into the house only to be greeted with "jy stink alweer :( " The next day on my way to work I decided to finish the other two. So from there it had been two weeks until one day I was like "I wondered why I liked Stuyvesant Filter so much" So I bought a "loose draw" Determined to finish it I pulled so many faces of disgust that it wasn't even funny anymore. Two weeks later I has the same thought again but realized what a kuk idea it was the moment when lighting it. So I decided never to consider it an option again. So apart from wanting to "get my moneys worth" out of my last pack and two random incidents of curiosity I basically stopped the moment I took my Twisp up.
I just filled my Twisp tank with my first ever tobacco juice Desert Ship ( Vapeorama ) and I must say I kind of like it. Tobacco was not my intention as I confused dessert with desert but o well, it is nice anyways
I have put up my first "review" of it if you want to read it :p
@Andre..I bought them from lung buddy in edenvale..
They are vape aroma VG ..
They have literally all the flavors of analog..I used the Marlboro equivalent.
Haven't seen this product at any other vapor shop but have seen other products they sell in analog taste

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In an attempt to better my lifestyle I decided to take up vaping and I went out and bout an ego style "playboy e-cig" from checkers and a full pack of smokes. Oh he of little faith...

Got to the office, lit up a smoke and left the mod to charge as I did some research on liquids and other devices. Found the forum :)

After it was fully charged I started to Vape, enjoyed it so much that I never touched the smokes for the rest of the day.

Next morning I get to work and a colleague bumps me for a smoke. I tell him I'm on an electronic cigarette and give him my pack of smokes. He was shocked I gave away a full pack of smokes and told me it would never stick!

After a week I broke the mod and got myself a cheap Chinese evod until I settled on a spinner 2.... And that's when the bug bit me.

Fast forward to now... I'm a little under a year vaping and gave up cigarettes after my first puff.
Also bought a bottle of liqua flavour traditional which is like analog..this u can get anywhere

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Update - still haven't had a smoke today this far. The urge to rip someone's head off isn't actually too bad keeping my head busy designing my dream mod lol

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Way to go Buan

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