How long?

Update still haven't had a stinkie and I'm doing just fine

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Way to go..
I have taken a personal interest in you do stay strong
Work on our perfect mod
Get the hands and feet done

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about 2 years ago I used a twisp however it never worked for me I actually thought electronic devices were a waste of time... being a pack a day smoker. 4 months ago I was introduced to this forum and purchased a vape shark mod and kangertech subtank mini tank. About a week of vaping I completely left smokes and haven't looked back since. its abit difficult the first week but it gets better with time, but making the change has really made a difference.

good luck and just stay strong
My mod looks a little like this guy

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What's it

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Kagertech subox kit

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1200 very very out my budget but I can dream I guess

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from 10 a day for 10 years down to 3 when i started vaping by the 3rd day I stopped smoking completely. I started on 3mg and I still vape 3 mg. That was 5 months ago.

@shaunnadan Remember when we use to run from east campus to west and back, lighting up half was those rothies reds swearing it made it easier to run :p
You doing great @Buan Stanley
Keep it up and let us know how it goes

PS - took me about 9 days to get off the cigarettes (25/day) It was a gradual process...
I've been smoking cigarettes everyday for about 12 years now, The only time i felt i was able to stay away from the Skyfs was when i first got my twisp, i managed 3 days without cigarettes and then shortly after i got back on it because i felt the twisp was not doing it for me, Too less smoke, it use to choke me and give me very bad throat burn. so i went back to smoking cigarettes... Yesterday i got my subox mini ( loving it :D ) and since then i haven't had a cigarette. There is one last cigarette in the box which is in my car which i am trying to avoid like the plague. I have to get off the stinkies this time around and join you legends in the "winners" corner
I've been smoking cigarettes everyday for about 12 years now, The only time i felt i was able to stay away from the Skyfs was when i first got my twisp, i managed 3 days without cigarettes and then shortly after i got back on it because i felt the twisp was not doing it for me, Too less smoke, it use to choke me and give me very bad throat burn. so i went back to smoking cigarettes... Yesterday i got my subox mini ( loving it :D ) and since then i haven't had a cigarette. There is one last cigarette in the box which is in my car which i am trying to avoid like the plague. I have to get off the stinkies this time around and join you legends in the "winners" corner
Great stuff. I have one full carton of cigs, which is still intact after 2 years and counting. All the best with you journey. Keep us updated.
2 p/day Winston Red smoker for 28 years here, Gave up the smokes after the first full day with a flea market Ego and some "Lung Buddy" juice @24mg. It was so easy to satisfy the physical cravings, but the mental aspect was much harder. For myself and probably many others here, learning to build coils and immersing yourself in vaping videos helps to deal with that idle mind. :devil:

Having a supportive family to offer encouragement was probably the real motivating factor for me.
Update still haven't had a stinkie

But there is something new on its way to me soon hmmmm

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Ahhhh it's not what you think sir

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I smoked +-60 cigarettes a day for 19 years. The day my Ego e-cig and CE2 arrived, I charged the battery and had a cigarette before lunch as usual. After my lunch I filled my carto and vaped from then on. Never craved another cigarette since then (other than when my dear sweet "wife" emailed me divorce papers 6 months ago, then I smoked a box of 20).

I started out vaping 36mg e-juice, and now vape around 6mg.

My arsenal (wicks, batteries, mods, juice and wire) goes everywhere with me!

Give it a few days of only vaping, and I bet you will never want to go back to smoking again.
Ok so it's now been 48 hours and still have not touched a stinkie I think I'm over the worst

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I smoked +-60 cigarettes a day for 19 years. The day my Ego e-cig and CE2 arrived, I charged the battery and had a cigarette before lunch as usual. After my lunch I filled my carto and vaped from then on. Never craved another cigarette since then (other than when my dear sweet "wife" emailed me divorce papers 6 months ago, then I smoked a box of 20).

I started out vaping 36mg e-juice, and now vape around 6mg.

My arsenal (wicks, batteries, mods, juice and wire) goes everywhere with me!

Give it a few days of only vaping, and I bet you will never want to go back to smoking again.
Great stuff, I also started on 36 mg, now around 12 mg. Just missed the carto era. What are you vaping on nowadays?